We have had a much more positive week, thank goodness. We have all been in good health, apart from a couple of nights of insomnia for both kids. Our air conditioner also got fixed, but this happened right when the weather turned and got cool - still happy it's working though! The kids both had OT on Monday morning, and Arley rocked it! Carmie not so much, as she hadn't slept the night before. But Arley's OT sessions have gone from struggling to get through 20 minutes, to lasting the full hour with no problems. He has two male OTs and he loves hanging out with them now. Such a relief. They are working on retained reflexes with him, and his sensory aversions. Carmie's OT is going to start cooking with her, so she can get on top of prepping some meals for herself. Carms is becoming so independent - she gets picked up and dropped off for all her groups. She has even managed to drag herself out of bed for the last two days, without me having to nag her!
Now that I am feeling better, I finally put into place the new parenting control system that I bought. It can control every screen in the house, separately. On Monday I refused to turn all screens on until everything that needed to be done was done, and yes, Arley kicked up an almighty fuss. It was pretty awful. However, he soon found out that I was serious, and he did all of his jobs. Since then he has complained at me, but he has gotten his stuff done each morning without the tantrums. I am very hopeful going forward!
I made it to a live drawing session on Tuesday night. I have made friends with a woman called Karyn. She is a student of Jeff's, but she is also an artist, so she came along too. It was so good to get out and be surrounded by other like-minded people. Of course, I forgot to take my canvas so I couldn't paint (it had to be something!) but at the last minute I threw my iPad into my bag, so I worked on my iPad, and I loved it. I might even do that more often - no mess, no cleanup, no hassle!
I chopped my hair off yesterday. It was down to my shoulders, and it was driving me crazy. It was too hot and heavy to wear out, but I'd get a headache within 20 minutes of tying it back, and I couldn't swim freely in the pool without washing it, and the only reason I had for not cutting it is that it had taken me two years to grow it out. Realising this was not a good reason to keep it long, I had it cut yesterday. I'm still trying to figure out the style, and I woke up this morning looking like a tumbleweed, but I tell you what, it feels so much better! I'm ready for summer now :)
That's it for this week!