Thursday, September 19, 2024

689 + 585 Weeks

We haven't had too much drama this week, which is always refreshing!  Jeff's new location is coming along - the signage went up on Tuesday morning.  This was super exciting, but now we have a week to wait for the painting to start, and then carpeting and decor will happen after that.  Sadly our timing is a little off.  The space is being painted on the 25th & 26th (yes, on my birthday, and I'm turning 50 next week, OMG).  Then on the 27th, carpet is going down.  Then first thing in the morning on the 28th, the kids and I are hopping on a plane to go down to our old stomping ground, the South Coast of NSW, until October 8th.  We are staying in Milton at my friend Mark's house, as he is overseas.  Jeffrey is staying home to continue working and to look after Bella.  My parents are coming down to Milton too.  But our trip is terrible timing for finalising Jeff's guitar school space.  We were hoping to move him in on Monday Sept 30th, but I have a feeling we are pushing it a bit!  I'm not sure I trust Jeffrey to do all the decorating without me. I booked our flights for the trip before we even knew we were moving his school into a commercial space.  Bummer!

Here is the commission I completed last week.

Lolo and I took the kids to their local duck pond when we visited with her this week.
Signage is up!


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