Thursday, May 30, 2024

673 + 569 Weeks

I have no photos from this week.  I think it is because as the kids get older, they are spending less and less time with us doing photo-worthy activities, which is sad, but also part of life I guess.  On Friday of last week Jeffrey was busy, so for our family time I took the kids to a cafe.  I definitely chose the wrong cafe as far as noise (it was way too noisy!), but the kids and I had a lovely time.  We took our conversation starter cards, and they prompted some very interesting and fun discussions.

So, a few things happened this week.  We quit Taekwon Do.  I didn't want to, and I'm hoping in the future we can pick it up again.  My hip is still sore (I'm going to the doctor tomorrow and getting an X-ray), and I'm done with the stress of getting out the door early on Tuesdays, fighting with Arley about participating, and Carmie's health isn't where it should be and it's hard for her to join in... so until we are better on all three fronts, there's no more martial arts for us :(

I have started doing more for myself lately.  I am trying my best to get a bit of down time every day, and last night I went to a life drawing session.  They are held weekly about 10 minutes away, and I am going to try to go every week.  I fed Arley early and had Carmie get herself a frozen pizza, as Jeff had evening lessons, and I figure if I can make it work once, I can make it work all the time.  It was a really good night, although my drawing skills need a lot of improvement!  It was really nice to be around creatives again.

I don't have much more to say.  The kids have both had behaviour therapy this week, and both had really good sessions with Clint at Chambers Island.  I went to the mall with Mum on Tuesday, which was really nice, just me and her.  Things have been pretty chill, which is always a plus!

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