Thursday, June 6, 2024

674 + 570 Weeks

Arley and I have both been a little sick this week.  He's had a bad cough and a runny nose, and I've had the remaining cold symptoms of headache, sore throat and swollen glands.  We make a pretty good team.  I'm not 100% yet, but I'll be right by the weekend.  I still went to my life drawing session this week - it is my new favourite activity.  It's not fun exactly, as it is like work, but it is very satisfying to do, and totally removes my brain from thinking about family life or the business.  And I have so much room for improvement it's almost embarrassing!

We haven't done too much beyond our normal activities.  Last Friday for our family time we went to a cafe for breakfast/morning tea.  It was actually kind of stressful, because Arley wasn't in the best frame of mind.  It is hard to find places that we can all eat at but that are also quiet and empty enough for the kids.  Both have pretty strong sensory problems with noise and crowded places, so it can be hit or miss.  We shall persist though.

On Monday the kids had OT but Carmie's OT was sick, so Arley's came alone.  I should have known this would cause problems.  Arley's OT assistant is a guy called Jordan, and Arley really likes him, but trying to get him to do something that Carmie doesn't have to is near impossible!  Ugh, trying to get Arley out of his room, let alone out of his bed, was SO hard.  I tell you, he is the most strong-willed boy on the planet!  He also refused to participate with Clint on Wednesday morning.  He chose to just sit there on his iPad at Chambers Island instead.  It's tough.  

Today we paid an IT guy to come to our house and set all the computers and iPads up so that I can control them.  We are not going to be using this new-found power of mine until we meet with the behaviour specialist again, but now I will finally have a bargaining tool to use with the kids.  I think all hell is going to break loose, at least at first, but we have to try.

Carmie is doing well.  She has three D&D groups each week, and now she is on the waitlist to join an online D&D group for autistic kids.  She could not be happier than when she is playing D&D.  It is the perfect game for Carmie - she has such a great imagination and she loves story-telling, and it is easy for her to socialise within the structure of the game.  It is so great to see her have something she looks forward to going to three times a week.

I don't have many photos again - the ones I do have I just took right now.  Carmie gave me a nice photo, but Arley made a face in every one. Here are the best shots that I got.  At least you can see how great his teeth are looking now!  He still has another 15 weeks of Invisalign treatment.  I can't wait until he is finished.

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