Friday, June 21, 2024

676 + 572 Weeks

So, I'm a day late and a dollar short.  Well, not really a dollar short, but it feels that way.  I had severe insomnia last night, just like the good old days.  Yesterday morning I had to get a steroid injection into my hip because I have bursitis there that will not go away.  The injection hurt like hell and I was limping for the rest of the day.  I didn't realise that the steroid would also give me insomnia, so I didn't fall asleep until the very early hours of the morning, despite all my sleep aids which just made my brain ache!  So, I haven't been in the best of forms today.  I was reduced to tears when Arley refused to get his leftover pizza from the fridge because now he doesn't like touching plastic.  Insert massive eye roll.  We had a dispute over it.  Thankfully Jeff was around to calm us both down, and eventually Arley was able to get his pizza from the fridge.  I wasn't asking him to heat it up or anything, just bring it over to me so I could heat it.  When his demand avoidance is so strong that he can't do simple tasks and it feels like he is taking the piss, I just can't handle it.  I was really upset.  This parenting job is really tough!

We have had a good week though.  On Friday for our family time, Jeff was busy, so I took the kids out to a cafe...well, I tried to.  Everything was closed because of a semi-public holiday, and we ended up at McDonalds of all places.  However, this turned out to be great.  As much as I hate the place, every McDonalds smells the same, their food tastes the same, it's never too loud, and all very familiar, so the kids had no anxiety at all, and we ended up having some fun conversations!  McDonalds might become our regular haunt for the time being, until we can go other places without stress.  I just wish it wasn't McDonalds!!

We even got to see our friends this week, which doesn't happen often.  We met up with my friend Nicky and her kids Lexi and Felix, and baby Evie, down at Mooloolaba.  We got the kids ice cream and then hung out near the beach.  Our trips always have to involve some food treat of some sort, but I'll take it!

Carmie is doing well enough - flying under the radar.  She is turning in to your typical teenager; saying yes when she really means no (when we ask her to do something), sleeping late (we've had to move her wakeup time to 9am on advice from her behaviour specialist), and spending hours in her room.  She loved her D&D sessions this week and she's had a good week overall.

Arley has spent a lot of time on screens, as usual, but he has also had some big wins this week.  He went to Clint's session at Chambers Island on Wednesday, and actually participated as promised.  He had a really good time and got some exercise in.  When he got home he was too tired to go to his social session with Sprinkle, so I called the morning a win and let him stay home.  But then after lunch he came off his computer to play a game with me, and then he asked to try to ride his bike again (he has been so scared of this!).  He got on his bike and rode around, with me only holding on to him for a few minutes.  He got it, and is actually riding now! Albeit only in one direction around the cul de sac, but we are working on it!  I had to end bike riding early because I had to drive Carmie down to one of her social groups, and he actually asked to join in, so I took him down too.  Such a big day for him!  And then yesterday I tried a new food with him (I haven't really mentioned Arley's eating struggles too much, but it's pretty dire), and he loved it.  I made him what is apparently the best pizza he has ever had!  And he had it for lunch again today (remember the tears from before?).  This is huge, because now I have another meal to feed him, which makes life easier.  I have four dinners to choose from now, five if Jeff has made hummus.  Win!

Anyway, I am exhausted and really looking forward to relaxing a bit this weekend.

At McDonalds, our new found chill eatery :(

Out with Lexi
Carmie and her team award
Arley and the best pizza ever

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