Thursday, August 22, 2024

684,685 + 580, 581 Weeks

I didn't write the blog last week, as there wasn't too much to say.  We haven't been having the easiest time of it.  Arley is getting a little bit more regulated, but it does seem like he has regressed in the past month.  I took the kids to get their hair cut on Saturday and Arley refused to get out of the car.  It was pretty awful, as I took away his phone, and told him he wasn't getting McDonald's afterwards when Carmie's hair was cut.  Carms got a great hair cut, but not Arley.  His head is like an overgrown fluffy helmet, but he is insisting that he grows his hair out, and he put up a very good fight.  When he didn't get his McDonalds, all hell broke loose, but I stuck to my guns.  Poor Carmie and I had to drive home with a very irate Arley in the car with us.

Clint sent Arley a video on Tuesday about how he was going out to dig worms so they could feed them to the bush turkeys on Wednesday, so that is how we got Arley to Clint and Chambers Island this week.  I have shortened his time with Sprinkle on Wednesdays too, but then I pick him up and take him out to lunch with Carmie and I, before dropping Carmie off at 2 for her groups.  Arley's world just seems to be getting smaller and smaller.

Some good(ish) news is that we have stopped Arley's dental treatment for now.  He has a stubborn molar on the bottom that is embedded into the gum, and it's refusing to move.  This tooth is making his bottom appliance not stay on, so we had the option of pulling the tooth and continuing treatment, or waiting a few years until the tooth falls out, and then doing stage 2 of the treatment.  We chose option 2, and we are so relieved to be finished with those mouthpieces!  He has an appointment next week to get the brackets removed and then we will be done until Arley is 14 or so.  Woot woot!

Carmie is the same as always - a total slug every morning and bright and chirpy every afternoon.  Basically a slug when she has to get out of bed and get something productive done, and then full of beans when she gets to go off to her social groups.  She is really thriving with her friend groups and becoming more independent all the time.  Her support workers have been taking her out to cafes and making her do all the ordering and paying etc, and she getting more and more confident.  She's also started drawing again, and I've been teaching her a little bit of printmaking, which she is really enjoying.  It's been a pleasure spending time with her.

Jeffrey and I have some news.  We are about to sign a lease on a commercial property to move his guitar school out of our home and into a property on the busiest road on the Sunshine Coast.  It is scary but exciting.  It is also time.  It means Jeff can take more students in each class and grow the school without extending his hours, and we won't have people coming into our home every day.  I am really looking forward to that aspect, but I will miss Jeff not being home.  It will be much easier to parent though, because right now we tread on eggshells not to have disruptions while students are here, and that makes it very difficult to discipline Arley and stick to our new rules and token system.  We are spending the month of September getting the space fitted.  We need to put in a wall to separate the front and the back, we need to paint and carpet and put in acoustic panels, get signage made and installed - so much work!  We need to buy more equipment and furniture, then advertise... We can do it!  We are hoping he is in the new location by October 1st.

Tonight I am getting on a plane with Mum and Geoff to go to my uncle's memorial in Sydney.  I'll be coming back home on Saturday evening.  I wish I was getting this break under better circumstances, but still, it's a break, and very good for the kids to have time alone with Jeff.  I just hope it all goes smoothly!

I have no photos from the past two weeks, except for this one of the last painting I finished.  It's oil on canvas, 85cm x 85cm.

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