Thursday, August 1, 2024

682 + 578 Weeks

What a week it has been.  Arley was sick for all of last week.  He just has not been able to kick this cold of his, and he has this awful hacking cough, and a nasty mood to boot.  He had a complete break from his token reward system and spent most of the week on screens of one sort or another.  This has made him really dysregulated and really challenging.  I came down with the cold too, however not as badly, but I have had a headache for the better part of a week now.  

On Saturday Jeff and I went to Brisbane for a night away, while Mum and Geoff looked after the kids.  I wasn't feeling great, but it beat staying at home!  Haha.  We went to a concert - a Rolling Stones review - which was good but not great.  We had dinner out, and it was great to get away.  We were out at night in Brisbane, in an entertainment district, and we realised how old and settled we really are, because seeing all the clubs and bars and people partying did nothing but make us want to be in bed.  Haha.  On Sunday morning Jeff and I split up - he went to ride around the Brisbane River on his unicycle, and I went to the Queensland Art Gallery.  Loved it!  It was exactly what I needed.  The day didn't end so great though.  When it was time to go, Jeff met me out the front of the gallery, and I decided to pop back in to get a bottle of water from the cafe for the ride home.  I tripped on the stairs on the way up to the entrance, because of course I did.  I broke my fall with my hands and took a chunk off the top of my middle finger on my left hand by grazing it along the concrete.  The pain!  OMG, I got faint.  It was a small chunk, but quite deep, with lots of blood that ran down my hand as I made my way through the gallery to the bathroom.  Ugh, I'm just so clumsy.  So now my finger is healing but very tender!

Carmie is all better.  She has had a good week.  She had OT on Monday, and Sarah, the OT, oversaw Carmie making a cake (of course Carms chose her favourite cake, but it is difficult to make).  The cake was the epitome of Carmie.  If she were a cake, this cake would be her.  It was an absolute beautiful mess, disastrous but delicious.  So Carmie.  She ate the whole thing herself, barring one slice.

Sarah the OT has removed herself as Arley's OT to replace herself with a male OT, a guy called Clayton.  So now Arley has Clayton and Jordan (an OT assistant) to help him every other Monday.  I think they will be great for him.  Their goal is to toughen him up a bit and to get him able to touch things in the kitchen so he can help prep snacks and meals.  Arley has huge sensory aversions and can't touch anything that is damp or moist or smells of anything at all.  It is challenging, but I hope they can help.  My fingers are crossed!

Arley had to go back to the dentist to get scans done of his teeth to get him refitted for his Invisalign.  He has one bottom molar that is embedded into the gum and won't move, and the adult molar underneath it is turned sideways.  The teeth around it have moved, but this one tooth seems stuck.  If it won't move with the new Invisalign, the dentist will leave it, fix all the other teeth, then pull that molar when he is 14 and then see what we have to do to get the adult molar up and facing the right way.  This is just one more complication.  The dentist says Arley's case is the most complicated case he has done, and Invisalign will be showcasing before and after photos of Arley's teeth to show what is possible.  Because of course, this has to be our child with the manky teeth!  Can nothing be easy?!

The kids and I went up to Lolo and Dida's on Tuesday, and Lolo and I managed to drag the kids to a nearby park. It was very stressful and not much fun for anyone, but I am determined to do it more often to get them moving.  Arley did ride his bike this week though, and Carmie has started using a rebounder (a mini trampoline) that we bought.  Small steps!

I am painting again and loving it, although I wish I had more time.  One of these days!

Arley back in his seat in the dentist's waiting room
Carmie and her cake

Park 'play'

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