Thursday, July 25, 2024

681 + 577 Weeks

Carmie got over her cold from last week fairly easily and was better by the weekend, but poor Arley came down with it on Saturday and is still sick today.  He has always gotten over mild illnesses very quickly, but he still sounds pretty awful today.  I had to take both kids to the paediatrician today, and she's not worried.  She said Carmie's growth seems to have slowed down, which is good news as far as Carmie's back and posture are concerned.  And Arley has lost some weight and is back in the 50th percentile for height and weight, which is great news.

On Saturday the weather was lovely and Jeff convinced me to go down to Caloundra with him to ride our electric unicycles.  I'm a little scared now to go where it is congested, and it's pretty peaceful down in Caloundra, so we went for a ride up and down the coast, and then had lunch at the Greedy Gringo.  Now that the kids are older, we are feeling a lot more free to leave them at home without guilt.  They rarely want to join us, so we don't fight it!

Arley's mouthpieces stopped fitting as snuggly as they are supposed to, so we are back to the dentist tomorrow, probably to get scans done and have them refitted.  We are so close to the end of Arley's dentistry, I'm really bummed.  When Arley realised they weren't fitting properly he was really upset - I found him crying in his room with the door locked.  He thinks he has messed his teeth up and it was all for nothing.  It's not true, his teeth are looking great still.

I don't have much more to add.  Because Arley has been sick, I have had a bit of a break this week.  He hasn't been following the token system, and I am a little worried about starting it up again, but I'll cross that bridge when we come to it!

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