Monday, September 26, 2011

12 Weeks

So little Carmen hit 12 weeks on Saturday!  We celebrated together with a joint birthday lunch (it was my 37th the very next day).  Grandma & Grandaddy came around for lunch, as Carmen couldn't leave the house as she had come down with a flu.  The poor little thing is rather sick at the moment but taking it like a trooper.  She weighs in now at about 11 pounds.
Carmen had a big week - we had close friends come down from Newcastle for a visit.  It was lovely to see them again (I miss you Ciri!), and Carmen got to meet her cousin Sophia who is 3 years old (and incidentally, whom Carmen caught her flu from - hope you're better now, little miss).  Also, Carmen rolled over two more times, but she is too sick now to practise any tummy time so she has to put off any more rolling over for a while.

Ciri and Sophia with me and Carmie

Monday, September 19, 2011

Video of Carmen's new skills at 11 weeks 1 day

11 Weeks Photos

Carmen has had a busy week this past week.  She has mastered batting at her swinging toys, and she even rolled over - only once, but still.  After she rolled over she immediately smiled and then started crying, so she was a bit startled and is yet to repeat it.  She is also averaging 15 hours of sleep a day (woohoo!) but still catnaps quite often.  She made a trip to the beach for lunch, and goes on afternoon walks in the (forbidden) sling.  On her 11 weeks birthday she went to Auntie Georgia's house to partake in her Grandadday's 65th birthday lunch, and got to spend time with her cousins. 
As for Jeff and I, we don't get out much, as Carmen really only likes to sleep in her cot in the dark, and she can only stay up for a little over an hour at a time, but hopefully this will change before summer is well and truly here!

With cousin Zach

With cousins Zach and Baz

With Auntie Georgia

Batting in her play gym

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ten Weeks!

Little Carmen turned 10 weeks old on Saturday.  Her Grandma and Grandaddy stopped by for morning tea.  This past week Carmen has been very vocal, and sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night to babble away to herself.  She is also learning to bat at the dangling toys hanging from her baby gym.  She gets very focused and starts flailing all her limbs, until finally she hits the toy she is aiming for.  It is all very cute (and frustrating!) to watch.  Carmen also does plenty of tummy time but has taken to lying there as flat as a pancake, refusing to lift her head.  We are still working on her nap times - some days she can't sleep enough, and others (like today) she still catnaps.  But at night time she is great, and we are so very thankful.  I can't imagine what it is like for parents with babies who are just up all hours of the night.  Anyway, Carmen is very happy now, and just as cute as can be, so things are good.

A visit from her grand parents

Pancake Carmen

True excitement from the father and daughter team.


Carmen's first guitar lesson.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Carmen the Sleep Machine!

So, I may be a little preemptive, but it seems like our little insomniac has turned into a sleep machine!  I think she was suffering from extreme sleep deprivation, and she sleeps decently at night, so I have started giving her a really early bedtime to catch up on sleep, and now today she has only been awake for 2 hours and 25 minutes, and it's 2pm!!  She is no longer "Carmonster" and prefers to be called "Carmangel".  She is also eating like a maniac (let's hope she doesn't have her mother's chubby genes!)  Who knew babies could be so easy!

Carmen had her 2 month birthday on Sept 2nd, and she had a lovely photo shoot, and then the very next day she had to have her 9 weeks photo shoot.  She is becoming quite used to having a camera right in front of her face.

Jeffrey had his first Father's Day on Sunday.  Carmen celebrated it by being a little crabby, so hopefully his next Father's Day will be a little more fun.  We didn't do anything special, as it is hard to go anywhere when you have a little baby in sleep training.  He did get a card from Carmen though :)

2 Month Photos

9 Weeks Photos: