Monday, May 27, 2013

99 Weeks

We have had a good week.  Carmen did fairly well at school, but didn't nap, so I picked her up early and napped her here at home.  Today when I took her, she didn't even cry when I left - such an improvement!!  But then she still didn't nap there.  She decided that she wanted to colour in instead, so for the sake of peace and letting the other kids sleep, they let her.  This meant that this evening I had to deal with a toddler who for the first time had missed her nap.  She was fine until shower time, then she turned into a total monster.  She threw the worst tantrum I have ever seen!  She didn't want to take her jacket off, then she didn't want to get in the shower, then she clawed at the door the whole time she was in there, then she didn't want to get out of the shower, all the while she was kicking and screaming and slashing and wailing.  I gave up and left her in the bathroom, and her dad found her sobbing on the floor.  Needless to say, she went to bed early :)  She has also caught a cold again.
Anyway, Carmen's Uncle Sting came down for a visit, but we forgot to take any photos.  The weather has been lovely, so Carmen has been to different parks, and out for walks too.  I am really hoping this mild weather is a foreshadowing of how our winter is going to be!

Slippers on the wrong feet!  Blame Dad for that one.

Pimp Daddy Carmen
Her new friend
Playing Humpty Dumpty

Sunday, May 19, 2013

98 Weeks

Carmen went to school on Monday for three hours, and they said she had a good day (despite the fact that she was screaming and slashing like a wild animal when I left).  Then she went back on Tuesday for three hours, and they said she had a fantastic day.  So, it gets better and better.  However, they did say she is very set in her ways and they could foresee a lot of trouble getting her to nap there.  So, that is the big hurdle for tomorrow, to get her to sleep at her school.  But I am so glad she enjoys herself after her initial meltdown when I leave!  It makes the time that she's away much easier knowing that she isn't upset.
We have had a good week, with all illnesses finally over.  The weather has been crisp but beautiful, so we took Carmen on a picnic at the park at Burrill Lake.  She loves that park - she can feed the ducks there.  However, she did consume a lot more of the bread that we brought than the ducks did.  Her speech is improving every week, and she said her longest sentence today: "Carmie's pants keep fall down".  They keep falling down because she lost weight with her gastro, and she is definitely a skinny minnie.  Also, she is pretty much potty trained, during the day at least, with only a few accidents all week.  I never knew it would be so easy!

Making a sculpture (wearing her dad's helmet)
 Feeding the ducks

Sunday, May 12, 2013

97 Weeks & Mother's Day

Well, the big news this week is that despite Carmen's bout of gastro (she's just getting better today), she decided it was time to toilet train!  It has only taken a couple of days, and today she had zero accidents.  She is still in a nappy at night time, but that is all.  I can't believe it was all so easy, and I am very happy that it has happened before the baby arrives!  She is going back to school tomorrow, so we will see how she goes there (both emotionally and with the potty training!).  I am still only going to take her in for 3 hours, but hopefully every time will get better and better.  She is going back on Tuesday for another 3 hours, fingers crossed.

Today was Mother's Day, and the little miss was rather fussy.  We went out for morning drinks with my parents, and Carmen was a little grouch.  After a long nap she was much better this afternoon, and we went for a nice walk.  The weather has been amazing, so we are making the most of it.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

96 Weeks

Well, this week has been full of ups and downs!  I took Carmen to day care on Monday,Wednesday and Friday just for a little play while I stayed with her.  Meanwhile Jeffrey and I were horribly sick with Carmen's cold.  Carmen seemed to really enjoy herself at 'school'.  So, it was a good week.  Then on Saturday Carmen seemed rather ill-tempered and seemed to have a bit of a tummy bug.  Then I knew she was sick when she threw up copious amounts of undigested food!  We still managed to go out for a walk though.  Then on Sunday she still was a bit sick, but her spirits seemed OK, so we took her to the park. However, she was barely eating anything. Yesterday (Monday) she had her first real day at school (again!), but this time in with the bigger kids.  She was fairly upset on and off, but they said it was nothing unusual or traumatic.  She was only there for three hours.  She refused most foods yesterday (you'd think this would be a clue).  I took her back to school today for another morning, but as soon as I got home, I received a call from them saying she had diarrhea so bad that she needed a complete wardrobe change, and that they had taken her temperature twice with 2 different thermometers, and her temperature was only 34.5 degrees (94.1 for you Yanks), which is hypothermia!  So I ran up and got her and took her to the doctor who said she has gastro. (This was all an hour and a half before I had to go back to the doctor for my anti-natal appointment!).  And to top everything off, while she was at school yesterday, our car broke down, and we had to deal with getting it towed and serviced.  We got the car back already, and it was just a minor fix, so that is one good thing!  I'm hoping the week ahead goes better.

Three short videos from this week: