Friday, March 31, 2017

299 + 195 Weeks

This week was a good one.  Arley is still behaving like a regular naughty three year old rather than an insane tantrumming lunatic child.  On Wednesday Arley had a play date with his friend Dusty.  We took the boys to a new beach for us, the Bommie (SO beautiful!), and Arley was on his best behaviour and shared every toy and every snack, which has never happened before.  Arley and Dusty got on like a house on fire, it was so nice to see.

Carmie got her hair cut this week.  It was so long, down to the top of her butt, and she was starting to look like I used to.  While her hair was pretty, I really could do nothing with it but put it in a braid behind her back - a pony tail would end in a dreadlock and wearing it out was impossible.  So we got about six or seven inches cut off, and it is so cute now, and so easy!  We should have done it at the beginning of summer! 

We had a couple of days of truly lovely weather this week.  One day I was stuck in the gallery, so Jeff took the kids to the duck park at Burrill.  We spent another beautiful day at Dolphin Point, followed by dinner at Collers Beach (so Bella could have a run) and an exploration of the rock pools.  We did lots of arts and crafts, and Carmie had her Montessori day on Wednesday.  Her teacher tells me that she is doing really well, and every week she mentions Carmie's reading skills.  I can't keep up with her books - we are at the library every two weeks, and we borrow at least ten books for night time reading.  They are chapter books with about 175 pages in them, and she reads one every night or two.  Then she borrows her 'learning books', as well as at least ten picture books to read with Arley.  And little Arley can read simple words like dog, the, cat, into - anything consonant vowel consonant that is sounded phonetically.  He picked up a book this week and told me what it is called - "Sad the Dog".  

Today is Jeffrey's birthday, so this evening the kids are having a sleep over at their Lolo and Dida's.  Yay for a night off!

Fun reading :)
 Jewellery making

 At Dolphin Point

 So grown up, reading at the beach :)

 Dinner at Collers Beach

 Painting boxes for their dad's birthday

 On a playdate with mate Dusty at the Bommie

 About to get her hair cut

 New 'short' hair

 Painting penne noodles to make a necklace :)
 At Burrill Lake with their dad, while I was at the gallery

Thursday, March 23, 2017

298 + 194 Weeks

There were no big dramas this week, and Arley's behaviour was definitely better than last week!  He was just your plain naughty three year old, not the insane tyrannical monster ruling our house.  He was very into dressing up, which he has always shied away from, and he finally had fun playing with Carmie and their extensive dress-up box.  

We had a very long swimming session on Friday with the kids' new homeschooling friends (this still didn't tire the kids out!).  On Monday Carmie's Montessori day was postponed until Wednesday, so she came with Arley and I to his playgroup.  We then had lunch down on the harbour, as it was one of the only moments this week when it didn't rain.  We had the kids friend Hannah over for a play after she was done with school (Arley was SUPER excited about this - I only wish Hannah was just as excited to play with him!).  On another morning of no rain, I took the kids and Bella to Dolphin Point.  It was such low tide, it was mostly sand, but this brought about a whole new level of exploration.  The kids had so much fun there, as did Bella.  We also had an impromptu playdate with Carmie's homeschooling buddies and her good school friend Ness, down at Narrawallee Park.  This was all well and good until it started to rain.  However, it has been raining so much here (23 days straight!!) that this didn't seem to phase the kids at all and they just kept playing on the slippery equipment.  We only left when a storm rolled in.  It was still raining today, so I took the kids to the craft/story time at the library, and then we went to the indoor play centre at McDonalds.  Being vegetarian, we have never been there before, and Arley kept calling it Old McDonalds :)  They had so much fun playing there that we stayed almost three hours, and this is what happened when we left:

Bear in his headband of choice.
 He wore this Carmie-made princess cone hat for four days running.
 Could a girl get any happier riding a bike?

 Making mini snow globes.
 They busted open their dress-up chest.
 My two little pirates.

 Saying goodbye to dad.
 At the harbour

 Not quite how I though their playdate would end up!
 The coolest kangaroo in the world

 Dolphin Point

 So proud of his magic wand!  He coloured it in all by himself - at least it's not black!
 Morning tea with Mum while Carmie was at her Montessori day - I have never seen him so peaceful!

 Carmie's super fun book she chose from the library