Thursday, December 27, 2012

77 Weeks & Christmas!

Well, we made it through Christmas!  Carmen loved Santa in theory, but when it came to meeting him in person, she didn't like him at all!  He was very scary indeed.  But he still came to visit her and gave her lots of presents all the same.  By the end of present time, she even knew that she was supposed to take the wrapping paper off the present instead of carry it around fully wrapped.  Christmas was lovely, spent over at the farm at my parents' and sister's houses.  My brothers and sister and I were all together for the first Christmas in 15 years, so we got in a lot of family time.  It was all a lot of fun (a little too much fun for Jeffrey and Sting - Christmas Eve - but they both paid sorely for it on Christmas day).  We had a couple of trips to the beach, and Jeffrey even helped rescue a guy and a girl from being pulled out to sea in a rip!  It was all rather exciting.  I hope you all had a lovely Christmas too.

Carmen's last swimming lesson:

With Santa :(

Uncle Jay

Feeding Uncle Sting

Sunday, December 16, 2012

76 Weeks

It has been a busy week!  Oma and Opa came to visit from Germany, and we haven't seen them in a year.  It was lovely to have them back, I just wish it could happen more often.  Carmen was fairly unsure and clingy to me, however that is not surprising considering her separation anxiety issues! We had an afternoon tea at Aunty Georgia's where Carmen got to play with her cousins' little 4-day-old chicks.  We also had a lunch here on Saturday with my cousin Joel and his wife Karen, and Carmen got to play with their three kids - they all seemed to love her and vice versa.  It was a really lovely day.  And then this morning Oma and Opa came back around to say goodbye and to swap Christmas presents. (Thanks guys!)  And it was so hot today!  This afternoon Jeffrey and I took Carmen down to Narrawallee Inlet.  The water was pretty icy, but that didn't seem to bother Carmen one bit.  She's a real water baby.

Here is a rather unexciting video of Carmen and her dad at Narrawallee this afternoon.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Carmen's separation anxiety seems to have abated a bit - I even left the house today and left her with Jeffrey, without a tear!  She is starting to be a little more verbal.  She will try to repeat words that I ask her to say.  She usually makes a total mess of it, but at least she is trying!  I can't wait until I can understand what she wants!  Right now she makes this horrible drawn-out whining noise.  In an effort to put an end to this noise at lunch one day, I started making her say wawa for water (she was whining for her water).  Now whenever she is whining, we say to her, "what do you say?"  and she says wawawawa.  She never clued in to the fact that I was actually talking about water.  But let me tell you, wawawawa is a lot better than the whining noise!

This week-end we had our 2nd annual Thornhill family pre-Christmas get together (thanks for all of your hard work Aunty Georgia!).  Carmen slept through the lunch, but was quite happy to see Georgia's house full of people and to have her first taste of real ice cream (yes, I know I am strict, but she loves her broccoli in her breakfast!).  She got to spend some time with her (2nd) cousin Lucy who is only just a few months older, as well meeting the rest of the family for only the second time.

On Sunday we took her to her favourite park.  How can you not take her, when she thinks it is the best place in the whole world?  If only her favourite park had horses freely roaming through it...

Two cute videos of Carmen after her bath:

Sunday, December 2, 2012

74 Weeks & 17 Months

Well, Carmen is still being crazy clingy and I'm at my wits' end.  She cries and cries if I don't pick her up, or if I put her down, or if she can't share my fork at dinner, and if not my fork, then my food, and God forbid she have a bath instead of a shower (bath means I'm just on the outside, shower means I'm in with her).  I love her to bits, but enough is enough!  She spends half the day with her arms wrapped around my legs and her face stuffed in my nether regions!  Any advice would be appreciated!

 17 months

Monday, November 26, 2012

72 & 73 Weeks

Doh!!  Somehow I forgot to do the blog last week.  I got all the photos ready, but never posted.  I guess after 70 or so posts it is a little like Groundhog day.  Not too much has been happening.  The weather has gone from chilly to hot to chilly to hot and it is supposed to be raining again tomorrow.  I have been painting for the store, and Carmen has been going to her grandparents two days a week.  She is going through extreme separation anxiety at the moment, and clings to me every chance she can get.  Jeffrey can't even pick her up without a struggle.  It is fairly awful.  She has another molar coming through, and a tooth on the bottom in the front coming up too, but I don't know if it's just about teething.  One day I dropped Jeffrey and Carmen off at her favourite park while I did the grocery shopping.  Apparently she was fine for fifteen minutes, but then cried hysterically for a full hour.  When I got back to them, she was lying on his stomach sobbing into his chest.  I don't know what is going on.  Anyway.  Needless to say, she is draining all of my energy at the moment!  I try to take her to the farm a lot, as she loves it up there.  We also take her to different parks on the week-ends - there are so many around here!  And when it's hot, our favourite place to take her is Narrawallee Inlet, but only at low tide.  It is the perfect natural splashing pool.  I can't wait for summer to arrive!

Getting ready to go to the farm - the carrot is for Whinny the horse.

Running to the park at Burrill Lake

Chilling in the back yard.

  73 Weeks: At Narrawallee Inlet

 New outfit - thanks Oma!