Saturday, December 27, 2014

181 + 77 Weeks (& Christmas!)

Christmas has come and gone with much excitement in our household.  We had a big build-up with the Christmas Elf on the Shelf watching Carmie's every move (this seemed to influence her more on Arley's behalf. i.e. "Arley's not getting any presents because he woke me up".  Apparently Carmen was always a good girl).  The few days before Christmas were as peaceful as can be with a screaming 17 month old in the house.  Arley is a moody grumpy little guy!  He has a molar coming through, and he had a cold (as did Carmen), so that might be why.  Either way, I am over it!  Anyway, we did get the kids out picking fruit at our neighbour's house, and we made lovely lemonade from his lemons.  Carmie had her last days at school for the year, and she is very excited because next year she is moving up into the big kids room, which she is definitely ready for.

And then Santa came.  Carmie was very excited to find a bunch of presents under the tree, and Arley didn't know what was going on.  He does like his new toys though.  Carmie got her pink bicycle with pedals that she was so hoping for, and she has learned how to ride it in no time.  She loves her new bike, and I am so glad that we got it for her.  Arley's favourite present is the water table that they got from their Pop in the States.  He has a field day making a mess all over the patio - thankfully it is just water.  He loves his toy train, and I even caught him playing with Carmen's new doll.  

Jeffrey and I are taking Carmie up to Sydney for a couple of days next week.  It is her first time out of the area and into a big city, and she is very excited.  Apparently the fun never ends!  The carnival is also in town, so Carmen is beside herself these days :)

On our way to fruit picking we stopped at our very own Stone Henge replica.  You didn't know we have a tourist attraction in our front yard?  Yes, we do :/

Thanks for the nice family portrait Arley.  Grumpy bugger!

 Jeffrey spending some meditation time contemplating life with our Stone Henge druids.

 Christmas morning

 New bike

 Playing at the water table

 Arley's new wild animal pack

 A family Christmas
 Nurse Carmie checking that her Dida's heart is still beating.

Friday, December 19, 2014

180 +76 Weeks

We have had a busy week, with a visit from grandparents Oma and Opa, all the way from Germany.  We had a lovely morning tea with them, and Carmie and Arley got to play with their cousins Baz and Zach.  We also had a trip with them to Narrawallee Beach, and I took photos but somehow they all got erased from the camera (we are mystified and rather sad, and truly hope our camera is not acting up!).  Carmie is quite taken with her Opa - they built sand castles together, which sold her.  We also had them over for dinner and Christmas tree decorating.  Our tree looks a little sad this year, as we can only have decorations on the top half of the tree, as Arley picks up and throws everything he can get his hands on these days.  Anyway, it was really nice having Carmie and Arley connect with their grandparents again.

Carmie also had her school Christmas party.  It was at the park at Burrill Lake, and she was so excited to go, because they had two jumping castles.  Santa also came and gave out presents, and the kids put on a little concert with three Christmas carols.  Carmie then stood up in front of all the children and parents to tell Santa that she is three years old and that she is a good girl (which is really debatable at the moment!).  It was very cute.

The kids also had their photo taken with Santa.  Carmie was quite happy to sit on Santa's knee, but she seemed a bit wary when Arley wouldn't stop screaming.  He screamed and screamed, and hated every second of it.  He doesn't know yet that 'Santa' has a closet full of presents for him.  Carmie asked Santa for a pink bike with pedals, which kind of seals the deal :)

At the Christmas party

 Sitting with her two favourite teachers

 Playing with Oma
 Christmas tree decorating

 Poor Arley.  Poor Santa.

Friday, December 12, 2014

179 + 75 Weeks

This week it rained and rained and rained and then it rained some more.  We had some fantastic thunderstorms too, and the weather got unseasonably cold for December.  And this meant that we didn't get out at all, except to the play cafe, and I didn't get great photos this week.  But, we are settling in to our new house better.  Carmie finally says that she likes her new house better than her old house, and they seem to not get cabin fever as easily.  In fact, Carmie is enjoying playing with her brother, which is a first and a very welcome change.  She has decided that her name is FlowerBo, and that Arley is actually her baby sister called Heart, but none the less, they are still playing together :)  Arley now says "yummy" when you give him food and thinks it is hilarious when you poke your tongue out at him.  He begs for food all day long, mostly nectarines, and he still throws screaming tantrums when he doesn't get his way.  But he loves Carmie, and is quite happy to follow her around being Heart.

Dinnertime fairy
 At the play cafe, in a big-boy chair
 After swimming, playing with her friends.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

178 + 74 Weeks

Well, this week has had its ups and downs - the downs mainly being dealing with Telstra still, and the fact that we still have no internet.  We have had two missed appointments to get our phone, and therefore our internet, fixed, and now they tell me that my next appointment is not until Dec 16th.  I am so fed up.  Twice I have been hung up on - the last time was on Saturday when I called regarding the skipped appointment, and after an hour on the phone, talking to three different people, the last person said they would transfer me to their supervisor, and promptly hung up on me.  What are you supposed to do?

But, the week has had lots of ups too.  We went to the Mollymook beach park, King's Point park (Carmie's new favourite), had a picnic in our backyard, and went to the markets where Carmie got to ride the merry-go-round and Arley ate his first donut (probably not the best snack to give him considering his size!).  Arley is now 17 months, and his talking repertoire now includes the words: hat, shoes, ball, night night, cheese, iPad, moo, quack, neigh, meow and a  a  a for apple because of the Kids 123 song A is for Apple.  No spontaneous Mum or Dad yet :(

Carmie is being very sweet lately.  It seems vinegar and Tobasco have done the trick, and now she just tickles her nose with her monkey.  She is very excited about Christmas.  She wants a pink bike with pedals.  I have tried to convince her that she shouldn't ask for a pink bike with pedals and instead she should learn to ride her balance bike.  Her response was, "Don't worry Mummy.  Don't worry.  I'm going to ask Santa for a pink bike with pedals.  Santa will give it to me.  Don't worry Mummy, I've been a good girl!"  So, guess what Carmen is getting for Christmas?

At Mollymook Beach park

 A picnic in our backyard.

 At King's Point park

 Arley's first donut (the worst food, I know!)

 And Carmie's new favourite dress, thank you very much Aunty Ciri!