Friday, May 26, 2017

307 + 203 Weeks

We have had such a busy week, things to do every day.  On Saturday, the firehouse had an open day, so we took the kids down there so they could explore the fire trucks.  We got there early to beat the crowds, but of course the firetrucks were out on a job.  We had to wait quite a while for them to show up, and by the time they did, poor little Arley was so worked up that he saw them and burst into tears.  But it was worth the wait, as the kids got to climb up inside them and explore them thoroughly.

On Sunday we ended up having an all-day picnic at Narrawallee park.  It was such a beautiful day, we just couldn't leave.  We met the kids' friends Hannah and Ali there, and then when they left, our neighbours showed up (Arley is very tight with their little girl Gemma), and then when they left, our friend Jo and her two girls showed up, and then when they left, we had the park to ourselves and Carmie didn't want to leave!  So, we outstayed three families.  It was a little long for Arley, and he had one giant meltdown at the end, but he managed to pull it together after a bit.

On Monday Carmie had her Montessori day, which she said was "really great", and Arley and I hung out together and made cupcakes for the Spanish lunch we were hosting the next day.  On Tuesday was the last of Carmie's Spanish Experience classes, and they all stayed for lunch.  The kids had a blast, and afterwards we went over to another friend's house so the homeschool kids could continue their play.  They have an awesome spa that all the kids 'swam' in, and a wonderful 'school room' filled with so many things, the kids were entertained for hours.  When we were leaving, Carmie was running on the road and of course, fell and chewed up her knee in the gravel.  It was a little gnarly, and I had to flush the gravel out of it and soak her in the tub when we got home.  On Wednesday we met up with more homeschool kids for lunch and exploration at Mollymook beach.  And on Thursday the kids went to the farm, because Jeff and I had to meet with Arley's assessment team.

So, the team gave us a thorough assessment and it is good to now get moving on some help.  Our next move is to come up with an OT plan for Arley.  I can't wait to get the ball rolling, to get him, and us, some help.

And now, I am truly hoping that we can have some home days next week, because I would really like some down time!

 Carmie and her beloved Spanish teacher Aurora

 Homeschool fun

 Mollymook Beach

Thursday, May 18, 2017

306 + 202 Weeks

It was Mother's Day this weekend.  I got breakfast in bed, and then my treat was to lie in bed and read my book.  It wasn't exactly my plan for the kids to get in bed with me and for me to read THEIR book, but that's what happened, and it was still a relaxing morning :)  In the afternoon we went to meet Lolo and Dida at the Golf Club.  It was a lovely day, despite the fact that Arley told me he doesn't love me any more about 50 times.  It's his new thing to say when he's mad.  Jeff and I even overheard him saying to Carmie, "Mummy doesn't love you any more!"  Arley's week was up and down.  On Friday we had Spanish class at our house, with seven kids over, and he spent the whole time in my room watching his iPad.  It was much better than having him get all worked up.  On Saturday the kids went to a birthday party.  They had a lovely time, except halfway through, Arley needed to be alone, so he wondered off out of the park, and refused to come back.  I set him up under a tree with my phone so he could watch the party from a distance.  And he was fine when we left.  I thought it was pretty good that he was able to recognise the fact that he was getting overwhelmed and needed time apart, before making a scene.  He had another assessment this morning, and they told me that they are puzzled by him.  He put on a show for them too, which is good because sometimes he is such a sweetheart, you'd have to think I am making things up!

Carmie has been reading up a storm again.  She is absolutely loving her Spanish class, and has even shed tears about the fact that her teachers are leaving next week.  We have some other things in store for her though, and I think she'd like to keep up the Spanish online.  She is so thankful that she spends her days at home - she is quite dismayed that her schooled friends only get to spend two days a week with their parents.

This week Jeffrey and I made a trip to Bungendore to collect my paintings that didn't sell.  Out of thirteen paintings that were hung, I sold eight of them, and I got three commissions, so it was a really good result.  And better still, I have been picked up by a gallery in Canberra, so we took all of the paintings that didn't sell to them.  And we had an overnight stay with our good friend Xanthe, and no kids!  Win win!

 Carmie and Delphi hugging goodbye

 She wrote this all by herself :)

 Check out the size of the book Carmie is reading!
 Eating popcorn in the morning sun
 Story time with Lolo and Dida
 She just received her first letter from her pen pal, Prita
 And straight to work making a drawing for Prita.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

305 + 201 Weeks

This past weekend, Carmie went to her first bush school day, and loved it!  We drove up to Vincentia, and she met up with a bunch of kids, and some adult mentors, and they all went into the bush for three hours, to learn about nature, and tracking, and building fires etc.  She was nervous to go, but came out absolutely beaming saying how great it was, and asking to go every single time it's on (which is once every two months).  They were a lovely group of kids too.  I'm so happy she had so much fun, I just wish Arley was old enough to go too.  Instead he hung with me and Jeffrey.  We explored the beach there, and walked along the track to Hyams Beach, which is SO beautiful.  Arley was a pain in the butt, but I was happy to see two other boys not too much younger than him who were also pains in the butt!  It was a lovely day for a hike though.

For the next three days, we just stayed close to home.  Arley had a brilliant three days, where he was so calm, and our family life was so pleasant.  We did crafts, paintings, made a star decoration for the outside of our house,  Carmie went to her Montessori day and Arley went to playgroup, and everything was easy.  Until Wednesday when we had Carmie's Spanish Experience class scheduled.  We are hosting it at our house, and Arley seemed to get worked up that morning before anyone arrived, and then he was just totally overwhelmed and had a really bad day.  The Spanish class was done in less than two hours (Carmie LOVES it!), and everyone left, but then we had Arley's little friend Dusty over for a play.  Arley was so unsociable :(  He couldn't shake his bad mood.  He was pretty much a terror for about five hours.  Anyway, today I took him to his third assessment, and they think he definitely has a sensory processing problem, as well as social anxiety :(  Which really does explain a lot.  We have Spanish class here again tomorrow, and tonight he was asking me if I could set up his tent so that he could hide in it when the kids come over.  I told him that instead he could lie in my bed under the blanket and play on the iPad with the door shut while the kids are here, and he was happy again.  So, things are starting to click, but I think I have a lot to learn as far as coping strategies.  But, perhaps there is a light at the end of the tunnel?

Carmie before bush school.

Hiking with Bear

 At Hyams Beach
 After bush school :)
 Building their human body model
 Carmie in make up.  She did the blush :)
 At playgroup.
 Making our wooden star
 Proud kids

 All his doing: car riding on the trampoline

 Carmie got her Aikido uniform :)