Monday, November 26, 2012

72 & 73 Weeks

Doh!!  Somehow I forgot to do the blog last week.  I got all the photos ready, but never posted.  I guess after 70 or so posts it is a little like Groundhog day.  Not too much has been happening.  The weather has gone from chilly to hot to chilly to hot and it is supposed to be raining again tomorrow.  I have been painting for the store, and Carmen has been going to her grandparents two days a week.  She is going through extreme separation anxiety at the moment, and clings to me every chance she can get.  Jeffrey can't even pick her up without a struggle.  It is fairly awful.  She has another molar coming through, and a tooth on the bottom in the front coming up too, but I don't know if it's just about teething.  One day I dropped Jeffrey and Carmen off at her favourite park while I did the grocery shopping.  Apparently she was fine for fifteen minutes, but then cried hysterically for a full hour.  When I got back to them, she was lying on his stomach sobbing into his chest.  I don't know what is going on.  Anyway.  Needless to say, she is draining all of my energy at the moment!  I try to take her to the farm a lot, as she loves it up there.  We also take her to different parks on the week-ends - there are so many around here!  And when it's hot, our favourite place to take her is Narrawallee Inlet, but only at low tide.  It is the perfect natural splashing pool.  I can't wait for summer to arrive!

Getting ready to go to the farm - the carrot is for Whinny the horse.

Running to the park at Burrill Lake

Chilling in the back yard.

  73 Weeks: At Narrawallee Inlet

 New outfit - thanks Oma!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

71 Weeks

Well, the big event for this week is that Grandma and Grandaddy came back from Phuket.  Finally!  The nerve of them to go away for a whole month!  It is very nice having them back (I can start painting again!).  Carmen had a playdate this week with her friend Hannah.  It is so nice having someone for her to play with (besides me, that is!).  She has her daddy on the week-ends, but for this past month during the week it has just been little old me.  On Saturday we took Carmen to her favourite park, which is in Ulladulla by the harbour.  It has this great pirate ship play set.  She loves going down the slides, however I am too scared to leave her at the top by herself because she doesn't seem to know about boundaries and heights yet, and comes perilously close to the edges.  On Sunday I took Carmen down to see her cousins do Nippers (surf life saving for kids), and she got to spend some more time with Grandma.  Then after lunch, Jeffrey and I took her back to Mollymook Beach to go to the park, as it is all about parks these days.  We can't drive past a park without hearing squeals from the back of the car.  Carmen is becoming quite vocal, but just babbling (a whole bunch of new sounds though), and she actually got out "Hi Grandma" the other day!  (Alas, Grandma wasn't here at the time).

Here is a quick video of Carmen playing with her daddy:

Playdate with Hannah

 At Nippers

 Mollymook Beach park

Monday, November 5, 2012

70 Weeks & 16 Months

On Friday Carmen turned 16 months.  To celebrate I took her to what seems to be her favourite place in the world, the horse park at Milton.  She loves those horses. Apparently one of them is Kerry Packer's old horse (it even has KP stamped on its side).  The weather has  been so up and down here.  One day we'll be swimming at Narrawallee Inlet, and the next we will be stuck inside because it's too cold and rainy to do anything.  We are waiting impatiently for Grandma and Grandaddy to get back from Phuket.  The nerve of them to go on vacation for this long!!  We are surviving, but still.  This past week-end I drove up to Sydney for my 20 year high school reunion (which was a blast), and Carmen and Jeffrey had their first daddy daughter week-end.  It all went smoothly (or so I hear), and I didn't panic too much!

Here are a couple of cute videos of Carmen doing her hair:

At Narrawallee

16 months
Trying on Daddy's shoes

 My work at Shop Three