Thursday, November 6, 2014

174 +70 Weeks

This week we had Halloween.  Because we bought candy from the supermarket earlier,  Carmie thought we were having a Halloween party, and she told everyone at school that we were.  And so we did.  It was just a small family party, but she thought it was great, and had lots of fun dressing up as a fairy.  Arley was too grumpy to dress up as anything at all, and just wore his nappy.  Uncle Sting made a seriously scary lady, Aunty Georgia a tennis player, and Jeffrey a Rastafarian.  We didn't get many trick-or-treaters, as Halloween is kind of lame here, but it was still a fun evening.

We have had a busy week, with packing for our move when ever we could, and a trip to the duck park as well as the beach park, and also to the pirate ship park , with a walk across the harbour for chips and milkshakes.  Arley is proving to be a such a boy.  He likes to play with cars, he is always a mess, he is loud and loveable.  He learned to say "snack" this week, and can now point to his nose. Carmie loves to sit and 'work' - she sits at the old red desk that used to be mine, and does intricate scribbles.  That is, until Arley comes along and grabs the container full of markers, to scatter them far and wide. In our new house, the kids have a large playroom, with a sunroom off to one side, and we are very excited to make this their 'art studio'.  Hopefully this will contain the mess a little.

We move house in 8 days, so things are a little stressful.  But it is all for good.  And today was Jeff's and my 6th anniversary (which we celebrated with a 5pm dinner of leftovers with the kids - very romantic).  Our Temple & Webster sale for Canvas River has begun too.  There is a lot on my plate at the moment! 

Aunty Sting ;)
Venus Bamber

Fairy Carmie turning Sting into a frog

Arley eating pizza

Saturday, November 1, 2014

173 + 69 Weeks

Well, packing is proving to be rather difficult with Carmen and Arley underfoot.  We really can't get much done at all when they are up, and it is SO difficult to muster up any energy at 8pm when we have had a full day of both of them.  But, we are slowly getting through it.  Our house move has been pushed back a week, so we are getting the keys to the new place on Friday 14th, to move that week-end.  So, the next few weeks aren't exactly going to be fun!

We have had a good week, however.  The weather was beautiful, we spent lots of time outside, and even got Lolo down to the Inlet with us.   There was no-one there, only one other couple.  One afternoon,  I took the kids on a seemingly happy walk which turned into me trying to carry both of them home because Carmie got a bindy in her foot - not fun considering they both weigh about 30lbs!  And Arley is communicating more - he is pointing a lot, and he can say 'hat', and tonight he showed me where his nose is.  He also knows what a lion, horse, cow, snake and cat say.  But that is it.  He is a little behind where Carmie was at when she was his age, but I see him catching up little by little.  He has had a bit of a rough time lately, as he is teething.  Two more teeth are coming up on the bottom, which will make 8 in all.  He is very drooly.

And we had some bad news this week too - Carmie and Arley had their first dental appointments, and we were given the news that they are both orally defective!  Carmie has ruined her bite with her Monkey that she constantly has in her mouth.  When her mouth is closed, her upper teeth do not cover her bottom teeth.  There is a large monkey-sized gap that she can stick her tongue through.  The dentist said to try to get her monkey away from her if we can, but that she would rather Carmie be happy than devastated, so if she won't give him up, leave it be.  And poor little Arley has upper lip tie (which we knew about), but it is so bad that it is joined through his top teeth and underneath to his pallet.  She said we will have to get it snipped, but not until he is older.  I am actually taking the kids to get a second opinion on it all after we move.  But now every time Carmie smiles, all I can see is this gaping hole that shouldn't be there :(

Poor Jeffrey had to get a wisdom tooth pulled this week too, so I am flossing away like mad, I don't want to be next!

Here are a couple of cute videos of Carmie dancing along with a show on tv:

Going on our not-so-fun walk

 Watching their beloved iPad together
 Giving Daddy his medicine after he got his tooth pulled
Carmie's Monkey-shaped smile :(

 Packing, such a big help
 At the beautiful Narrawallee Inlet