Friday, April 25, 2014

146 + 42 Weeks

The Easter bunny came this week :)  Carmie was a little confused when she woke up - she didn't expect there to be eggs everywhere, and it took her a while to get into the 'hunt'.  But she was very cute, and Arley even found a few.  We spent the morning at the farm, where Zach and Baz put on a treasure hunt for Carmie, and she had a blast.

The weather has been amazing this week - I think it is the last hurrah.  We have had lots of trips out to the beach and the park, as Jeffrey has had time off work due to the public holidays, so I am not a prisoner of the house with napping babies.  We have even made it twice to the club for the kids' dinner, and once for lunch.  Carmie is still a bit of a nightmare at night time.  Putting her down to sleep is sometimes good, sometimes really bad (tonight she called out on and off for 1.5 hours).  And then most nights she wakes up at least a couple of times.  The other night, she woke up 3 times calling out to me so that I could scratch the itch on her belly, and the 4th time, she woke up screaming because she fell out of bed.  It's almost as bad as having a newborn!  Little Arley sleeps like a log, we never hear from him.  His bottom teeth have finally come through, but he won't let me stick my finger in to feel how far.  His balance is getting better, but he doesn't do much 'cruising'.  He loves to stand though, and does it at every opportunity.

Here are some videos of Easter morning: 

 Easter treasure hunt at the farm

 Having a dance party with a neighbourhood friend

Carmie staking her claim on her cement block

 Jumping in puddles = too much Peppa Pig

 Carmie and the "pecalans"

At the Golfy for dinner

Thursday, April 17, 2014

145 + 41 Weeks

This week Carmie graduated to a 'big girl' bed, and she is very proud of herself.  It hasn't stopped her calling out at night, and she loves to climb in and out of it herself, but she is yet to realise that she can get in and out of it during the night and in the morning.  She still waits until I come in and get her.  I wonder when the realisation will set in that she doesn't have to wait for me?  She is still being a pain in the butt about going to bed.  Last night I put her down at 7:45, and she called out periodically until 10:10.  Then she woke up crying at midnight, and up for the day at 5:50am.  Tonight I told her if she called out, I would come in and take a toy.  I guess she didn't believe me, so I took away one of her bed toys (she has about 20!), and all hell broke loose!!  Full blown tantrum.  I calmed her down, but she didn't get her toy back.  She better believe me from now on!

Carmie had her last swimming lesson for the season.  She is miles ahead of the other kids in her class.  The parents joke to me about how she must have been a water birth, and that she really is a fish.  She spends so long under water that I get scared.  She is the only one who can float, and she literally spends most of the lesson with her head under water.  Carmie has had a fairly good week, until today when she was at school and they asked me to come and pick her up because she had tummy pains.  The Easter bunny was supposed to visit, and they were going to have a tea party and a hat parade, but she came home instead.  I think I am more disappointed than her!  We did decorate Easter eggs at Aunty Georgia's house, and Carmie also got to help with some Easter cookies.  

Arley loves to bang on everything.  If you leave the drums out, he will crawl up to them and start beating on them.  All but two of Carmen's white board markers have disappeared, because Arley likes to take them around the house to bang on things.  He is still ball-obsessed, and today he was waving like it's old hat.  He eats like a horse (tonight at dinner he literally ate half of my lasagna, after eating his own serving).  And he absolutely adores his sister.  He would follow her to the end of the Earth and back.  If only she paid any attention to him!

Here are two videos of Carmie.
This one is her singing one of her planets songs:

This is one of her briefly floating at swimming.  She can actually float as long as she wants to:

Swimming lesson
 She is becoming so proficient with a mouse!
 Big girl bed

 Cutting cookies

 Matching hats.  Thanks Lolo :)