Monday, August 29, 2011

Video of Carmen at 8 weeks, 2 days

Back from QE2, and Carmen's 8 Weeks Photos

8 weeks, 1 day
8 weeks photos - celebrated at QE2, which is why Carmen is so miserable.
Carmen's "saddest face in the world"

Hi all,
We are back from the baby asylum, and I can't exactly say we have a new and improved Carmen. She is still a crap sleeper, having about 6 catnaps a day, if we are lucky. However, her catnaps are now in her cot and not in the sling attached to me while I bounce on a big exercise ball, so yay for that! Now we just have to work on extending her naps into sleeps, so if any of you have any suggestions, I am all ears. It was definitely worthwhile going to the clinic, although it was 5 long days of crying babies everywhere! Jeff just about lost his mind, but I got a massage and was able to devote all of my time to Carmen, so it was good. And I have to say, Carmen was easily the cutest baby there :)
I am on my way to bed now, hopefully to get a good night's sleep to face another day. The plan is to try to resettle her in her cot after she wakes up from each nap. Obviously it didn't work today, but in the immortal words of Katie Scarlett O'Harra, tomorrow is another day!

Monday, August 22, 2011

7 Weeks Photos

Poor little Monkey is a little cranky these days. She has a rash all over her face, neck and shoulders which looks just awful. The doctor called it the "six weeks rash" and said it can last from weeks 4 to 8. It doesn't seem to bother Carmen at all - it bothers me much more! She also is still not getting much sleep - this week she averaged about 11 hours in a 24 hour period, which is pretty terrible. As you can imagine, she is pretty grizzly for her awake hours. She only catnaps during the day, and has at least one long cranky time (last night in the middle of the night!). But luckily we have gotten in to QE2 and will be going there from Wednesday through Sunday. Hopefully they can help! I have to imagine that these nurses see SO many babies, they'd have to have some tricks up their sleeves. I'll let you know.

Carmen also got her 6 weeks shots this past week. I was such a chicken - I asked Mum to come meet me at the doctor's, and then I had her take Carmen in to get the shots while I stayed out in the waiting room covering my ears with tears in my eyes while the office lady told me it was OK to cry! Then I went in and had to get a shot too, and it's no wonder Monkey cried! It bloody-well hurt! So, this coupled with her crap sleeping habits and her rash are the reasons why Carmen looks so grumpy in the photos below.

Monday, August 15, 2011

6 weeks videos

6 weeks photos

Just a quick update: we are all doing well, however our little monkey has decided she would rather sleep in the sling attached to me (with constant movement, by the way - God forgive me if I actually sit down!) than in her bed. At night she goes down in her cot just fine, but in the day, no way Jose. We got a referral to go to QE2 in Canberra, which is a residential clinic, where hopefully they will teach me how to settle her in bed and how to get her sleeping properly. One day last week she only slept for 8 hours in a 24 hour period! But most days she does OK, as long as I let her sleep in the sling. I think it is me that is just stressed :)

Today and tonight Carmen is "on vacation" at Grandma & Grandaddy's, so we are going to the club for a much needed drink and dinner with friends! And now it's naptime for me!

These photos are of Carmen modelling her Grandma's hand-knitted alpaca outfits.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Breast feeding woes and baby with 'colic'

These two photos were taken on August 2nd, when Carmen was a month old.

So, it has been a while since I updated, because it has been a struggle, to say the least! Carmen is five weeks today. The last few weeks have been trying. As of today, she is weaned onto formula - no more pumping for me. The whole breast feeding debacle was a big disappointment, but at least now I can get help with the feedings! She is a pretty grizzly baby. We were sent to a clinic in Nowra, and the consultant there suggested that Carmen has an immature digestive system - she is in discomfort when she eats, and therefore won't settle. I was told to keep her upright, and to wear her in a sling until she gets bigger. It seems to make her happier, and sleep a little more. She is not such a great sleeper for a baby, usually only getting 13 hours a day - but thank god she sleeps at night time! She wakes for feeds but goes back to sleep. It is just me who can't sleep at night time! Wine and Tylenol PM seem to do the trick though. Sometimes.

We are getting a huge amount of help from Grandma and Grandaddy, and Auntie Georgia 'can't keep her sticky little fingers off her' - to quote Mum. They take her one night a week, so we can get some much-needed rest, and whenever else I need them to. Couldn't do it without them!
OK, I have to run - she's starting to become Miss Grizzleguts.