Thursday, May 29, 2014

151 + 47 Weeks

Arley finally got over his cold this week, but he certainly is more difficult now.  He seems to be very attached to me and whines and fusses when I leave his side.  He is fast as lightening when he pulls up, and when I walk past him he grabs my legs and traps me.  He has been crying at bed time, so last night he had to cry it out.  Poor Arley, and poor Carmie stuck in the room with him.  But, it was only 10 minutes, and he has had no problems napping or sleeping since.  I was a mess, I hate to hear him cry.  But, it worked.

We have had a good week, with lots of play time out in the yard.  Arley started riding the coaster car this week, and Carmen loves to take turns with him.  The back yard is my saving grace right now, being housebound.  We generally rotate through blowing bubbles, riding the coaster car, playing chase and building sand castles.  Very tedious for me, but lots of fun for the kids.  One afternoon this week we even got out for a walk in the stroller, and Carmie got ice cream (when she was finished with her ice cream she thew a tantrum because I wouldn't get her a second one, so I don't know if we'll be doing that again any time soon!).  Carmie also had a swimming lesson with Uncle Sting (who she adores), and she is very excited to do more lessons with him.  We also had lunch at the farm on Sunday, and the kids had a play on the tennis court, and Carmie got to feed Whinny.  So a good and busy week.

Here is a quick video of Carmie doing 'ballet':

 Off to school

 Crazy hair day at school

Thursday, May 22, 2014

150 + 46 Weeks

Poor Arley caught a bad cold this week.  For a couple of days he seemed pretty miserable, but he is slowly on the mend.  One night he screamed for over an hour and Carmie was begging me to take him out of their room.  Other than that, their room has worked out very well, most nights without any calling out or wake-ups.  On Saturday we took the kids on a picnic to Narrawallee Inlet.  It ended with Jeffrey quite mad at Carmie.  He took her for a scooter ride, on the road.  He was walking behind her, and she just kept going and going.  When he started calling to her to turn around, she just continued to ride, saying, "You can't catch me, you dirty old flea!"  She eventually lost her iPad privileges for the day, and I don't think Jeff will take her on a scooter ride ever again :)  Carmie spent Sunday on the farm while I was working in the gallery, and Arley had a day at home with his dad.  Arley started to stand without support this week, and he laughs every time.  He seems to understand a little more too, and learned how to play 'catch' with Carmie and me.  For two days running he has also only had one nap, and he seems to be absolutely fine with it, so maybe it won't be too long before I can get the kids on the same nap schedule, and my house arrest will be over!

Carmie with her cousins at the farm

 Narrawallee picnic

Friday, May 16, 2014

149 + 45 Weeks

We had a good week, with Mother's Day on Sunday, and the morning spent at the farm with the family.  Carmie told me she wanted to wear a 'beautiful dress', and when we went to choose one, the only dress she wanted to wear was her Little Bo Peep outfit (which has become her outfit of choice, insisting on wearing it to school on Thursday as well).  -Thank you Oma and Opa!-  We had a lovely morning, and I had a great Mother's Day (Jeff did ALL of the household chores and totally pampered me).  This week Arley also had his first proper hair cut, and was such a star, just sitting there letting her clip away.  He looks very handsome and grown up with his new haircut.  We also made it to the park again for a picnic, and Carmie had a trip to Bunnings dressed as a ballerina, to get her face painted.  The kids are doing well in their shared bedroom, and Carmie's night time antics have ended!  Months of sleepless nights, and all it takes is to have another warm body in the room.  So, we are all better rested and much happier!  

Trip to the park


 Mother's Day

 Uncle Sting with a turkey
 Lolo and Arley

 First hair cut
 Off to school

Friday, May 9, 2014

148 + 44 Weeks

Well, Arley turned 10 months this week.  It has been a fast 10 months, thankfully!  We have had a busy week.  Carmie had a play date with her friend Hunter, where they rode around the house like hooligans on their bikes.  Both Carmen and Arley spent lots of time with their Uncle Sting, and I even managed to get the kids out to the park for a picnic one day - a daunting task, but it was very worthwhile.  Carmie has been a nightmare at night time.  On Monday night, she was up from midnight until 4am, telling me she had a tummy ache, that she was scared, that she heard a noise, etc.  I couldn't send her to school the next day on so little sleep, so she went to the farm.  The following night she was up from midnight until 2am.  Then we decided to move her bed into Arley's room, and we have actually had two nights of peace!  Putting her to bed is very stressful though, because she still calls out, and last night she kept poor Arley up for an hour.  On a good note, she is playing a little more independently now, and loves to scoot around the house on her scooter, having races with herself.  Arley has started using his walker, and can push it around a fair bit.  I don't think it will be too long before he is walking around, which will be a welcome relief, because he is SO heavy.

Here is a quick video of Arley riding his pink motorcycle :)

10 months

 'Cooking' together

 Picnic at the beach park

 Poo Bear

 Carmie looked at Arley and said, "Oh!  Bubble hat!"