Friday, February 28, 2014

138 + 34 Weeks

Well, the kids' Pop left on Monday, to go back home "to his mummy and daddy" (or so Carmen thinks).  She talks about him every day, so I think he made a great impression.  Before he left, we had some trips to a few parks and a couple of family dinners, and it was really nice.  The weather held out, but since then it has become quite cold and grisly.  

Arley went through a minor fussy phase which seems to be over.  He is crawling like a champ.  This morning Jeff left him in the lounge room at the front of the house, and I was getting Carmen dressed in her bedroom when the next thing I knew, Arley was peaking his head around the door.  He can go from crawling to sitting up now too.  He generally is in a good mood, and if he fusses at all, all he needs is a cracker to make him happy.

Carmen, on the other hand, has had some mighty tantrums this week.  They don't stress me out as much, except when she is going to wake the baby.  But they are not fun to watch, and to know that she is actually feeling all of these uncontrollable emotions.  Usually she calms down after 10 minutes or so and needs a big cuddle.  When she gets home from school, she is always on edge all night until she has had a major meltdown, and then she is our little angel again.  She is still taking forever calling out to us at bedtime, and last night I had to get up to her 4 times :(

On that note, I am tired and heading to bed!

Here are some videos from this past week:

Arley's first time on the swings

 With Pop

Friday, February 21, 2014

137 + 33 Weeks

This week Carmie and Arley have finally met their 'Pop', Jeff's dad, who has travelled over from the States.  We have seen Pop every day, and Carmen has taken to him very well.  They spent Wednesday morning at Narrawallee Inlet, where Carmen even did some stand-up paddle boarding with Jeff.  We have taken Pop on a tour of our local favourite spots, and he seems to be really enjoying himself.  

Carmie has really put me through the ringer for the past 2 nights.  Going to bed has become a bit of a nightmare - it was 1.5 hours of crying last night, and then tonight a fake trip to the toilet which resulted in one of her biggest tantrums ever.  I don't know how to deal with bed times any more.  And whenever she has a bad bed time, she seems to wake up numerous times a night calling out for me to fix her blankets, needing a toy etc.  Where did our amazing sleeper go?

Arley has been battling his cold, and has been going through a bit of a rough spot too.  He has started really crawling, and he loves hanging out in the play room.  He adores his big sister, and sometimes cries when she leaves the room.

I have had a great week painting-wise. I sold a large painting from the gallery.  I also put two very big paintings into a local restaurant.  Within the week, one had already sold.  So the next afternoon I put another painting in to take it's place.  I got a call the following morning to say that both  of my paintings had already sold!  Then I got a call from a woman who was eating in the restaurant when the paintings sold, and she has commissioned me to do her a painting.  And I got a call from a woman in Sydney who wants a similar painting for her holiday house.  Talk about a good week!

Sadly this week our camera finally died, along with all the photos that we had taken, so photos are scarce this week.

But here are a couple of videos of the kids:

Carmen at school (note the green dinosaur tail attached to her)

 Arley on the move!

 At Booderee National Park with Pop

Friday, February 14, 2014

136 + 32 Weeks

We have had a good week, with Arley starting to crawl (yes, now we're in trouble!), and Carmie not crying at school, and with no major tantrums.  She still has her moments, but I am working out different strategies  of dealing with her.  Arley is really moving around.  He has been practising crawling for several days, and today he was really doing it.  He has his first cold though, so he is not in the best of moods.  He says a lot of "Mama mama mama", but he is not actually using it as a word (although it would be nice to think that Mama is his first word).  Carmie had a play date with Hannah, and both of them had a blast.  It's so cute to see them running around the house together.  All in all, a happy week.  And just today, Jeff's dad has arrived in Australia for a visit, so tomorrow the kids will be meeting their 'Pop' for the first time :)

A quick video of Arley practising crawling:

 Arley can now sit at the counter, and he loves being a big boy and being included in the action in the kitchen

 Carmie and Hannah

 A shopping trip to Target

 Carmie decided to feed Arley his bottle
Little Miss Arley