Friday, September 22, 2023

636+637 + 532+533 Weeks

So, I skipped writing the blog last week because we were away, and now I'm back and writing it late, because coming back from a holiday is always hard work!  So much to catch up on after just five days away.  But let me tell you, it was so worth it.  Leaving was really hard.  The kids, of course, weren't happy that we were leaving, and Arley was crying on and off for the two days before we left.  It made leaving very stressful indeed!  But leave, we did.  

Jeff and I flew up to Cairns on Wednesday night, and returned on Monday night.  It was such a strange (and freeing) feeling not having to worry about anyone else, about feeding the kids their various meals and snacks, about getting them out the door to their appointments and activities.  Having time to yourself is something you just don't get when you homeschool your kids!  Jeff and I had such a good time.  The first day there we spent lazing around, settling in, reading and exploring.  The second day we caught a chain of cable cars up into the mountainous rainforest to a small town called Kuranda, did some shopping and had some lunch, then caught an old train back down through the rain forest.  The scenery was beautiful, and we had such a nice day.  Afterwards we had dinner at this awesome Vietnamese restaurant we found.  We stumbled upon it because as we walked past, there was music playing, so I glanced in, and right in the back corner, there was a chubby, barefoot, older Vietnamese guy crooning into a microphone, and we just HAD to go in.  It was the best.  We spent the whole dinner creating a virtual sitcom starring the barefoot singer and the staff of the Vietnamese restaurant.  Haha. On day three we went river tubing.  We each had our own inflatable donuts and we floated down one of the rivers through a rainforest, over 4 different rapids, and floating under a canopy of leaves.  It was both fun and relaxing, and a little bit hairball when the rapids came.  It was a great morning.  That afternoon we relaxed, and then we went to a little place at the night market and I got an hour of acupuncture and Jeff got a massage.  I chose acupuncture because I had never had it before.  It was an interesting experience, sometimes relaxing, sometimes painful!  My right shoulder has been feeling pretty good since then, so that is a plus.  Afterwards we dined at an Indian restaurant and wondered around the Esplanade.  On day four we got up early and walked to the marina where we got on a catamaran ferry that took us out to Green Island in the Great Barrier Reef.  Loved it!  I have always want to go, and it was great.  The weather was a bit hit and miss, kinda windy, and it even rained a couple of times.  The water was a bit choppy, but underneath it was very calm, and the fish and coral were beautiful.  I have to admit, once we saw the reef shark from the safety of the jetty, I was too scared to go back in.  At this point Jeff had a blister, so we just relaxed on the beach.  The snorkelling was so fun, and we have promised ourselves we will start snorkelling with the kids like we used to when they were little.  The boat ride home was lovely, followed by dinner at our favourite sitcom Vietnamese restaurant again. On the Monday we just relaxed in cafes and walked around until it was time to go to the airport.  Our vacation was the best of both worlds: jam-packed but relaxing too.

Meanwhile Mum and Geoff were looking after the kids.  They discovered that the kids can be pretty easy if you just let them do what they want.  That is the challenge, you see, making them do things they don't want, like eat healthily, exercise, brush teeth, interact with society!  The kids were happy when we got home, and I think Lolo and Dida were happy too!

I got the kids to horse riding on Tuesday afternoon.  Arley had told me the week before that he was quitting horse riding.  I told him he had to go, and he said fine, he would quit next week.  When we got there, Lisa suggested to him to just sit on Dude in the arena, not to try to steer him or anything, just sit and walk around where Dude wants to go.  Arley hasn't been on a horse without being lead or on a lunge in over a year.  He has flatly refused.  But he thought just sitting on Dude would be ok.  Low and behold, he started steering Dude when he got bored, and then he decided it was time to trot, so all of a sudden, Arley was trotting up and down the arena.  Lisa and I just about fell on the ground.  I still can't believe it!  We can't make a big deal of it, because praise like that puts expectation on Arley and he will never do it again.  But we were secretly cheering!!  And Carmie's horse Chilly has been lame for two weeks, so she is riding a beauty called Zane, and she loves his trot.

I got Arley back to the dentist too.  His palate has widened about 4mm, and now his teeth should slowly be moving into the right spot.  I think he still has a few months of wearing the mouthpiece, but he's doing well with it.

Carmie went to her dungeons and dragons social group yesterday and loved it.  When I walked in to pick her up, the three kids and the mentor were all cracking up and talking animatedly.  That's exactly what I want for her!

It's school holidays here now, so some of the kids' activities have been cancelled.  That's ok, we are keeping busy.  Yesterday it was warm enough to go in the pool - except not for me.  I stood on the sidelines blowing up the pool toys.  Summer is coming and we can't wait :)

And that's it for now. Phew!

Photo of Jeff reading: what we told Arley we were doing while we were away.  LOL
Carmie and Zane


Look at him go!  WTH??!!

Friday, September 8, 2023

635 + 531 Weeks

On Saturday I turned the page in our calendar, late because it was already September, and that is when I discovered that it was Father’s Day the very next day.  I thought it was next week and was very clearly not ready! I quickly organised a morning tea at our house for the next day, with Lolo and Dida, and Zach, and then Arley and I set about making ginger cookies.  I ran out that afternoon and bought some gifts, and then on Sunday morning I made scones with whipped cream and jam.  We had a Father’s Day morning tea at our house, which was really nice, and then Jeffrey got to do what he wanted for the rest of the day, and didn’t have to lift a finger.  It turned out to be a good day, despite the fact that I was completely unprepared!

Carmie went to her social group on Friday and had a great time.  On Tuesday we went to Taekwon Do, and I participated too because I am finally injury and illness free (after five days on antibiotics).  We had such a good workout, it was awesome.  Arley was his usual pain in the butt, but that’s kind of par for the course at this point!  Afterwards we spent four hours or so at Lolo and Dida’s.  Carmie had a milkshake from the cafe across the road, and some of Lolo’s mac & cheese. Too much dairy, do you think?  We went off to horse riding (with Arley again refusing to ride), and Carmie was fine.  Then right when we left horse riding, I looked at Carmie and she didn’t seem right.  She told me she felt carsick, so I opened the window for her, and as we were driving around a big round about, cars everywhere, Carmie stuck her head out the car window and vomited all over the side of the car.  There was this clearing on the side of the roundabout, so I pulled over, and poor Carmie stood on the grass and continued vomiting in front of the passing traffic.  So fun.  We weren’t far from Lolo and Dida’s so I drove us there, and we cleaned the car and let Carmie have a rest.  We ended up staying there because poor Carmie had to vomit three more times.  She was wretched, the poor thing.  I finally managed to get us all home, and Carmie went straight to bed with a promise to sleep on the bottom bunk!  I’m not sure if she had too much dairy or if she got glutened, or maybe both!

Carmie wasn’t feeling right the next day so I cancelled all her activities, and then I got into trouble from Arley because I had cancelled his session with Clint too - I thought he would never go if Carmie didn’t.  He got mad becasue I cancelled it without his permission, so I ended up taking him to Clint at Chambers Island and he had a double session!  They built a bush turkey trap, and then lured me, the turkey, over it.  And yes I got a big shoe-full of sand.  Arley thought it was great.

Thurday was busy - in the morning I took my nephew Zach to an appointment that took most of the morning, and then I had to take Arley to the doctor for a check-up.  He is now in the 50th percetile for height and weight, which is awesome!  Then in the afternoon I took both kids to a new Dungeons and Dragons social group. They were both excited, but when we got there, Arley’s anxiety got the better of him and he couldn’t participate.  Carmie had fun though :)

Next week I won’t be doing a blog post, because Jeff and I are going to Cairns in the north of QLD for five days.  Woot woot!  Mum and Geoff are coming to stay at our house from Wednesday night to Monday night, and we are off!  The kids are not thrilled that we are leaving them. In fact, Arley says he’s not going to let us go…just try and stop me, buddy!!

Arley and Clint making their trap
Father’s Day

The results of our rock candy experiment