It's Thursday again, my blog-writing day, and I'm actually on time this week, AND have good news to report! The kids have had a really good week, which means that Jeff and I have had a good week. I was very stressed about Tuesday because Arley had to wake up earlier than he had been so he could go swimming with Clint for two hours, and then he was to come home, have lunch and then have his two OT's come over for an OT session at 2pm. We never schedule two things in one day as it's always been a disaster. But I woke up on Tuesday morning and Arley was already awake and in a good mood. He got himself ready and went off swimming with Clint, had a great session, then that afternoon he had his best ever OT session. He was so communicative, so patient, so happy - none of us could believe it. And then right afterwards his buddies from down the road came over to play, and he spent two hours playing with them! This is unheard of. Then on Wednesday morning when I got up, I found Arley happily keeping busy in his bedroom, and he had already had breakfast and done all his morning chores. Then the same thing happened this morning! I cannot tell you how much impact this has had on my days! Normally mornings are unbearably stressful, easily the worst part of the day. The kids' behaviour specialist had a session with them this morning, and she said the whole house feels different, light and happy. That is how much Arley's behaviour controls us all. Anyway, I don't expect it to last, as these things always go in cycles, but right now I'm thanking my lucky stars!
Carmie has been a little unwell on and off, but we are working towards getting her healthy. She had an excellent physio session yesterday, and then last night I taught her how to cook pasta with red sauce. She really enjoyed it, and we promised we would cook together at least once a week. She is very happy to learn skills to be independent. We are working on extending her social circle as well. Carmie has been hanging out with neurodivergent people at neurodivergent-supportive spaces, so we are trying to get her involved with groups with typical kids in them too. She has to get used to the 'real world' and 'real world socialising and expectations'. It is pretty cool watching her grow up.
Jeff's business has been rocking it in January, and we can only hope this momentum continues. I have also had a little more time to myself in my art studio, which is just the best. I'm not yet working on anything serious, but the intentions are there! Haha.