So, it has been a while since I updated, because it has been a struggle, to say the least! Carmen is five weeks today. The last few weeks have been trying. As of today, she is weaned onto formula - no more pumping for me. The whole breast feeding debacle was a big disappointment, but at least now I can get help with the feedings! She is a pretty grizzly baby. We were sent to a clinic in Nowra, and the consultant there suggested that Carmen has an immature digestive system - she is in discomfort when she eats, and therefore won't settle. I was told to keep her upright, and to wear her in a sling until she gets bigger. It seems to make her happier, and sleep a little more. She is not such a great sleeper for a baby, usually only getting 13 hours a day - but thank god she sleeps at night time! She wakes for feeds but goes back to sleep. It is just me who can't sleep at night time! Wine and Tylenol PM seem to do the trick though. Sometimes.
We are getting a huge amount of help from Grandma and Grandaddy, and Auntie Georgia 'can't keep her sticky little fingers off her' - to quote Mum. They take her one night a week, so we can get some much-needed rest, and whenever else I need them to. Couldn't do it without them!
OK, I have to run - she's starting to become Miss Grizzleguts.
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