Sunday, April 21, 2013

94 Weeks

This week was easy, no big dramas.  Jeffrey and I are starting to feel like life is becoming a breeze again, and then it dawns on us that in just over two months, all hell is going to break loose, again!  Now that Carmen is talking better, she is so much fun to be around, and a really good girl (barring mealtimes which tend to be accompanied by lots of singing to cajole her to stay seated).  She had a play date with her friend Hunter this week, and they got rather close, as you will see in the photos below.  On Saturday, we had a day of tremendous rain, and we were stuck inside the house all day.  Carmen and I made a pillow mountain with all of the cushions in the house, and we practised learning shapes.  It was a very long day - it is amazing how a trip to the park makes the morning go faster!  Anyway, the weather was lovely again today, so we took a trip to the farm for morning tea and a visit with Grandma and Grandaddy, and of course Whinny.

Two videos from our rainy day:

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