It has been a lovely week, with little cherubs for children, no accidents and only minor colds (both kids). The weather has become very cold, and one unseasonably cold day we decided to take the kids on a picnic at Burrill Lake. They loved it, and didn't feel the cold for a second. I, on the other hand, froze, but that is my standard state at the moment, as the house that we are living in is also freezing. You know how you usually put your coat on when you leave the house? We put our coats on when we come inside, as it is about 10 degrees colder than outside! (Not really, but I do wear a second skin of thermal underwear all day long!) We have a wood burning stove, and both gas and electric heaters, but to no avail.
I have been spending lots of one on one time with Arley, as I have him two days a week now on my own. I always let him play at Carmie's school for half an hour or so in the mornings, and then we go to a park or for a walk, but not before he throws a mega-tantrum for leaving Carmie's school. When I tell him it's time to go, he looks at me and says "Bye bye. Bye bye," and then stamps his feet and runs away. He really loves that place too!
Carmie is thriving at her school. She is learning so much - she learned her shapes this past week, and I'm not talking square, circle, triangle. I'm talking isosceles triangle compared to an equilateral triangle, a triangular prism compared to a pyramid, and then she taught me what an acute angled scalene triangle is, and showed me a quatrefoil. She juices oranges for her drink, she crushes up eggshells to feed the plants whose leaves she has dusted, and she digs for 'dinosaur bones' in the 'archeological ruins'. And she spends hours painting her 'abstracts'. I don't think I could find a more perfect daycare. She has been a lovely grown up little girl all week too, and likes to get up in the mornings and set her and Arley's place at the table with cereal bowls, spoons, cereal with scoop, and their own milk jugs. I catch her patting Arley on the head a lot, and she likes to help him when he asks for "holp". Arley is still obsessed with playing with his "mimins", and he can get very loud and fussy (I think it is when he is hungry), and sometimes he is a real bear when he gets up from his nap, but all in all, great kids this week!
Lunch with Mum in the back yard
Bloody mimins!

Having a tea party with her dolls
Rinsing veggies for dinner
Arley's new favourite place
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