Christmas Day came and went, and the kids had a blast. They got tons of presents from 'Santa", and even more from all of their grand parents, and we are so thankful that they are so well loved and thought about :) Christmas Day was spent at the farm, and we had a lovely lunch with Lolo and Dida, and the kids' uncles, Sting and Jay. We stayed the night at the farm, as the next day my cousin Beau came down with his wife Jenny, and we had another family lunch. Lots of family time!
Backtracking to Christmas Eve, we met Mum and Geoff, Sting and Jay, at the Golfy for a drink, and then we moved on to Carmie's friend Hannah's house for a Christmas party. The kids had a great time, and it is so nice to see Carmie and Hannah such tight friends still. Hannah is starting real school next year, and I hope it doesn't make a difference to their friendship. On the way back from the party, we stopped by a highly decorated house, as there was a Santa sitting out the front, but the kids weren't totally sold on him. However, they did take the candy he was giving away!
This past week, we also had a a lunch at Cupitt's Winery with Uncle Jay, a trip to the duck park, and a morning spent at the beach at Dolphin Point. The weather was beautiful, but it was a little crowded, so we might just be laying low for a while until the holiday crowds disperses. It has been really fun having the kids home every day - I thought it was going to be far more stressful!
Here is a video of the kids using their new karaoke machine. It's a very painful rendition of Twinkle Twinkly Little Star:
Uncle Sting and Arley at the Golfy
Carmie and Hannah
Not very impressed with Santa
Christmas morning

Lunch at the farm
Playing with the Magnatiles from Pop. They love them!
Cupitt's with Uncle Jay
At the duck park
Dolphin Point
Carmie and Jeffrey on his new hammock
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