Thursday, May 12, 2016

253 + 149 Weeks

This week we had another trip to the hospital!!!  Yesterday morning the kids' preschool called me to tell me that Arley was crying, doubled over, with a tummy ache.  He had only been there for less than an hour.  Jeff had taken them in, and Arley had been holding his belly when he got out of the car, but Jeff just thought he had scraped it.  But after Jeff left, Arley's pain got worse, and he could only walk very slowly before doubling over in pain.  So, Jeff and I took him up to Milton Hospital.  They felt his tummy, with Arley writhing on the bed.  They gave him some Panadol, and after he calmed down, they prodded his belly again, and he was still tender.  So they called his paediatrician, who said we should go up to Shoalhaven Hospital in Nowra to get him an ultrasound.  Jeff picked Carmie up from school, and Mum and I took Arley up to Nowra.  When we got there, Arley seemed back to normal, but they poked and prodded him, hummed and hawed, and had us stay there until evening, in case it happened again.  Finally, after 6 in the evening, Arley's paediatrician came to see him, and saw that Arley was normal again and released us.  They said it might have been "self-correcting intussusception", which is when the bowl folds in on itself like a telescope.  After Milton Hospital but before Shoalhaven Hospital, Arley did a poo, so that must have made things right again.  Another fun day!  Poor Arley :(  We have had enough of hospitals!  Although Arley was very good there, considering how long we were there.  He sat in the middle of the ward entertaining everyone by singing Father Finger in his loudest voice, except his version was Poo Poo Finger :/

Besides that drama, we have had a good week.  We have been spending plenty of time with Nema and Grandpa Clark.  We have had park visits and family dinners.  Sunday was Mother's Day, so we had Lolo and Dida over for a dinner with Nema and Grandpa Clark.  Carmie and Arley were so excited to have all of these grandparents over at the same time!  It was a nice time, and the kids were angels.

Carmie finished a sticker chart that she had made for reading books.  Every time she read a new book to someone, she got a sticker.  Her prize was that we all go to Funland (an indoor games and rides place).  The kids had a BLAST.  Afterwards, like Funland wasn't a treat enough, we took them to get ice cream.  It was such a lovely morning, just to see so many smiles from our kids.

Here is a video of the kids at Funland:

At Conjola park

 At Funland

 Ice cream!

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