What a big week we had! The kids turned eight and six on Tuesday! They were so completely excited, it is silly. We had their birthday party on Sunday at Flip Out in Nowra, and they had so much fun. Three friends couldn't make it, and one actually arrived sick and had to leave, so in the end there were nine kids in all, and their parents. Of course I had catered for an army, and the kids ate so much more junk food than is good for them. Luckily they burned off a lot of energy trampolining, and there were no meltdowns! We thought Arley would lose the plot at some point because of all of the excitement, but he held it together until dinner that night. We were ready for monster Arley to come out after such a big day, but he wasn't so bad, considering.
The very next morning the kids had horse riding, which is like a magic pill to get him back on track. They did so well at that lesson. Arley's trotting has gotten so good, and Carmie cantered two lengths around the arena, and then went on to canter 20m circles without holding the saddle handle (so hands just holding the reigns). It was so cool to see, and she was so stoked with herself.
Directly after horse riding we met up with our homeschool friends at Mollymook park. Carmie and Arley played with Winter and Yenje, and the four of them got along so well. That's about as big a group as they can handle it seems, and it was so nice to see all of the kids including each other and playing so well together. It turned into a three and a half hour play, and then I had to take the kids straight to drama class, so it was another huge day.
And then Tuesday was their birthday. I can't believe they are eight and six. It just seems so much older than seven and five! Jeffrey had to work until the early afternoon, so I let the kids choose what they wanted to do to fill in the time. They chose to get ice creams in Milton and then to go play croquet at the horse park. It was a really good day, and time passed quickly. Arley was desperate to open his presents first thing in the morning, but luckily he was too preoccupied with his day to continue begging me. After Jeffrey got home, Lolo and Dida came over and the kids got to open their presents. They were both really happy with their loot and made out like bandits. That night we watched Spiderman 2 at the kids' request, to wrap up the end of their birthday. Carmie kept saying what a great day it had been :)
Arley was a little off on Wednesday morning - the comedown after three days of excitement and junk food. We went to the oval to try their new stomp rockets (success!) and to play their new Bocci Ball set. While Carmie and I thought it was so much fun, Arley got frustrated easily and was being rather oppositional. Luckily that afternoon the kids had another horse riding lesson, which got Arley right back on track. I wish the kids could start out with horse riding every morning, because I know we would be set up for a smooth day every day :)
Today was cold and rainy, so I took the kids into town to the bookstore to spend their gift certificates. They had a playdate with their friend Dusty this afternoon, to make up for Dusty missing their party. The playdate went very smoothly for the most part, until Arley didn't get his way, but he soon got over it and he and Dusty were laughing up a storm.
I am hoping to calm things down a lot in the next week. Birthday excitement is over, and I'd like Arley to have a smooth week. Carmie was very emotional at dinner tonight, so I think some down time definitely is needed. On a good note, Carmie did her fist load of laundry today!!
Here are a bunch more horse riding videos. I can't help myself, especially when they are learning new skills!
Narrawallee Inlet at low tide
Pre-party fun
Birthday party fun

Doing Dora dance on the Xbox
Homeschool play at Mollymook
I found this beauty in Arley's drama book!
Arley, six years old on the dot!
Carmie, eight years old on the dot!
Birthday ice creams
Too excited!
Playing with their new stomp rocket
Loving their new bocci ball set!
New horse riding helmet :)
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