Thursday, June 25, 2020

468 + 364 Weeks

The weeks are racing by, now that we are actually moving (in 3 weeks and 6 days!).  I feel completely unprepared even though it has been a long time coming!  We have worked on clearing out the garage and selling off items but haven’t had much luck with packing anything yet.  Or with finding a house to rent, for that matter!  We are not sure which area to live - whether it should be close to the learning centre so the kids and I don’t have to commute, or more central to Coffs...

Today was a big day for us.  We had to get Arley’s little rat Jackie to the vet (more on that later) at 8:30 this morning, on the way to horse riding.  After riding we came home to eat, and then had to drive up to Nowra for Arley’s paediatrician appointment. Then more errands in Nowra, then errands in Ulladulla, and we didn’t get home until 4:30.  Arley’s paed is trying him on a new medication, but he is also staying on the Lovan.  He’ll be taking Catapres as well.  He started it this evening, and two hours later he just could not keep his eyes open.  I’ll have to give it to him a little later on, because he was too tired to brush his own teeth!  We are supposed to see an improvement in his anxiety and aggression in about two weeks, and I’m so hopeful that it helps.  He told me today that being autistic and angry makes him feel like a loser.  Breaks my heart.  Poor little guy.

Now on to Jackie the rat.  I noticed a few weeks ago that he is not looking so good and might be sick.  He’s just not thriving, but he is still eating and drinking, so I let it go. Then late yesterday afternoon I noticed that his penis was out, and I mean really out!  Totally freaky.  I spoke with my amazing friend Ciri who is a vet and she told me I had to get him help right away, and told me what to do.  I didn’t actually want to do it, so I then messaged my other vet friend Carrie, and she confirmed my nightmare.  I had to lube Jackie’s penis up and try to put it back in.  She very kindly suggested that I dim the lights and put on some mood music.  Jeff held Jackie, and we put sugar on his genitals first to absorb some water, and then I had to lube my fingers and try to massage his penis back in.  Oh. My. God.  Never in my life did I ever think I would have to do that to a rat.  And I completely failed!  After a good 15 minute go, Jackie’s penis was still hanging out.  And Jeff made terrible jokes for the rest of the evening, because how could he resist?  Little Jackie got all fixed up this morning, spent the day at the vet’s and came home with some anti inflammatory medication as well as some antibiotics for a lung infection he has.  He is looking perkier already, and I don’t mean in his nether regions!  Oh. My. God.

There’s not much else to report.  Jeffrey has been working a lot, which is annoying because we have so much to do.  I am still taking the kids to horse riding and tennis, and they still went to their grandparents’ on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Arley isn’t talking too much about our impending move, but Carmie is.  She is very excited, but also very scared too.  I feel the same!

Carmie and Jackie, before the penis incident!

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