Thursday, April 5, 2018

352 + 248 Weeks

It's been a big week this week, with both Jeff's birthday and Easter all rolled into one weekend.  The kids stayed at Mum and Geoff's on Friday night, so Jeff and I could go out to our friend Mark's for a really fun night of handmade pizzas, a pizza oven, and lots of wine and laughs.  It was nice to be free of my little darlings for a moment too!!  The next day we had the day to ourselves, so we relaxed at home and did chores (which was necessary but also kind of relaxing too!).  My mum took the kids to the movies, and then we met them all at the Golfy in the early afternoon for a drink to celebrate Jeff's birthday.  It was lovely to see the kids again after almost 24 hours - the longest break we've had from them in a couple of years!

The next day was Sunday, and the kids were SO excited for the Easter bunny to have come.  They had a chocolate-free egg hunt (plastic eggs with money inside), and some presents at the end of the hunt.  They were really happy with their spoils, and we got a long video of the hunt, but somehow we forgot to take any Easter photos :( .  I made the mistake of buying them a Lindt chocolate bunny each, thinking that they would make it last over the following week.  Wrong!  Over the course of Sunday, they both ate almost all of their bunnies.  And Arely's behaviour was ridiculously bad!  We took the kids to Narrawallee beach, because it was such a lovely day, and we were hoping to rid them of some of that extra energy.  That night we went over to Lolo and Dida's for dinner and to watch the fireworks, and boy was Arley bad.  He was just buzzing with manic energy, and wouldn't sit still, and was shouting and rude and physical.  It was pretty awful.  It was the culmination of three weeks of dreadful behaviour.  Three solid weeks!  We watched the fireworks (which were awesome!) and then left to go home quick smart, to get Arley into bed.

And, he woke up the next day right as rain!  We have had four days of lovely Arley!!  He is still being naughty, but the maliciousness has gone, and he is not manic and buzzing anymore.  He apologises when he does something wrong, and he is much more calm.  I am hoping that we have pushed through the bad part of the protocol he is on and now we are on to healing.  He is so much easier to be around!  He has been playing nicely with Jemma, and with Carmie too for the most part.  He has been asking for drawing lessons with me (I haven't been able to draw with him for months, as he was always so angry when his picture didn't come out right, and he would cry and say he couldn't draw, and he would make me draw half of it for him).  He now has no problem following my lead and loves the drawings he is making - it is so nice!  

We have had lots of outside time this week.  The kids have a toy softball set, and we have been playing every day.  They absolutely love it, and will do it over pretty much anything.  We have also been going to the neighbourhood park, and they have been running a route around the park and having me time them, and they run faster every time we go.  Little Carmie is not so little anymore, and has suddenly become so tall.  She is still crazy for reading, but the good thing is, she has been sitting with Arley and I to do drawing lessons too.  On Wednesday Carmie officially become a Scout, and she is so proud and happy.  They had a little ceremony for the new kids, and Carmie got her shirt, scarf and badges.  And I actually got teary!

Today I drove the kids up to Sanctuary Point so that Carmie could do her radio program.  Arley meanwhile scooted around the skate park.  After radio, Carmie came to the skate park for a scoot for 20 minutes.  Right as we were leaving, she came and sat with me and said she was sick.  I took her back to radio, and grabbed a couple of sick bags (they are fully prepared after she vomited there last month).  And then we went outside and she promptly threw up :( .  The poor thing.  She said she was better, so we got in the car and drove home.  Two minutes before we got home, she threw up in the car.  Again!!!!  I don't know why - it seems like motion sickness, but I had given her a motion sickness tablet, and when she first threw up, it was almost 2 hours since she had been in the car.  I don't know, but I don't think she can be going up to radio any more, which is sad, because she loves it.  We are heading up to Bowral next month, and I am a little worried, because that is a much longer and windier drive!  Poor Carms.

Neighbour fun :)
 This photo cracks me up.  Arley looks so tough, even in the dress!
 Easter Sunday

 Officially a Scout :)
 Arley's drawing

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