Thursday, February 7, 2019

396 + 292 Weeks

This weekend the weather was beautiful and we couldn't resist going back to Bawley Point to jump off the gantry and go snorkelling.  It turned out to be rather choppy for snorkelling, but we still gave it a fair go.  We need to get the kids some proper snorkelling equipment, because they love it, and Carmie has been using mine.  Jeffrey jumped off the gantry again.  I was sure that I was going to, so up I went, with the kids right behind me.  Arley actually made me wait so he could go get his bag of popcorn so he could 'watch me like at the movies'.  And then I totally chickened out!  I was so close, but I couldn't bring myself to jump in the end.  So, yes, both of my kids are way braver than me!

Horse riding started up again this week.  It was really nice to see the kids up on a horse again, and to see how much they have improved from going to the horse riding camp.  And they have seriously improved!  And they still love it so much.  I am so glad they have found a sport that they love and that gets them outdoors, and around animals too :)

We got in a few morning beach walks this week.  The kids sure like to complain to me before we go, but once we get there, they are always all smiles.  I don't know why the transition to get them to the beach in the morning is always so difficult, but it is.  I need to get there, it is such a stress-reliever for me, so I make them come anyway.  And then they love it, the little buggers.

The kids' bickering and fighting escalated this week.  It is because Carmie is so fed up with Arley's antics that as soon as he bugs her, she shouts at him in this awful high pitched whine/shout, and that always sends him over the top.  It can  get pretty stressful around here, and on Sunday night I barely slept because of it.  The next day, I told them that if they didn't fight all day, they could watch tv that night during dinner.  So, guess what?  No fighting.  They had a fight the next day, so they didn't get a tv dinner, but yesterday and today - tv dinners!  So, I have discovered that for the most part, they can actually control their fighting.  I don't know how long I am going to keep this up, but I am hoping that they get into the habit of treating each other respectfully instead of being mean.

We had our in-home OT session today, and behaviour therapy also started up again.  We see the therapists back to back here in the house, so it makes for a long afternoon, and it is pretty full-on.  Both therapists have seen such a dramatic improvement in Arley, it is really positive.  His OT told me today though that his free play is still years behind, and that he hasn't developed imaginative play yet either.  He would rather get a sword and hit lego around the lounge room than actually create with it.  We are going to start working on play skills next week, as well as communication skills between both kids, and their co-ordination too.  I'm looking forward to seeing how they change in the next six months.

Carmie went to a Harry Potter event at the library today, and she was all dressed up.  She was so cute, and so excited.  Just today she has finished the fifth Harry Potter book, so it was good timing.

Below are some more horse-riding videos.  I can't help myself!

Back to the gantry

 Young artist in the making
 This is Arley's crazed face.  Subtract the ice-cream , and that's what we deal with!
 Back on Rocky :)

 Morning beach walk

 Harry Potter

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