Thursday, May 23, 2024

672 + 568 Weeks

It has been a bit of a crap week, at least for Carmie.  I mentioned last week that Carmie was sick on Thursday.  She was so sick, all the way through to Saturday morning.  She could not keep a thing down, not even water from ice chips.  It was awful.  She slept with me while Jeff slept in her bed. She's already so skinny, and she got hit hard.  If it had kept going I was going to take her to the hospital on Saturday, but she woke up and was able to keep some custard down, and then she got progressively better as the day went on.  I lost count of how many times she threw up.  Thank God she improved, and she's been feeling much better since then.

Luckily no one else in the family got sick.  On Friday morning while I was caring for Carmie, Jeff took Arley to the aquarium.  Arley loves it there.  They had some father-son time, and came back all smiles.  We haven't done much else though.  Carmie was too weak, and I have bursitis in my hip, so I'm trying to rest as much as possible.  We didn't go to Taekwon Do on Tuesday, or up to Lolo and Dida's.  The kids have done all their therapies and social groups though.  

I have been busy doing the yearly registration reports for the kids' homeschooling.  I have to provide work samples and write a year in review, as well as an education plan for next year, for each kid.  It is rotten work and I hate it.  Carmie has been madly catching up on her writing so I can give a sample for Language Arts.  And getting Arley to do the required homework was absolute hell!  I will be so glad when I hand the reports in!

I have not much else to say except that I cannot wait for this week to be over!

Sweet Carmie when she finally was able to get out of bed and eat some custard
Father-son aquarium fun 

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