Thursday, May 2, 2024

669 + 565 Weeks

I'm trying to think if I have any news for this week, and I'm not so sure that I do.  Nothing major, anyway.  We had our family time on Friday morning - it was another hit, despite the rain.  We stayed indoors and played games, and remarkably there was no fighting!  We had a chill weekend, and I got a bit of painting done.  We had Taekwon Do on Tuesday, and somehow Arley got sick in the car on the way up, so he was unable to participate (and make amends for his terrible lesson of the week before!).  Carmie and I, on the other hand, had a really good lesson.  Then we went up to Mum's for some Lolo and Dida time.  On Tuesday night Arley had insomnia and woke us all up screaming the house down at 2am.  For some reason he was too scared to get out of bed.  That made Wednesday a bit of a mess for the two of us because we were both sleep deprived.  He did really well though - he went to Caloundra and had his session with Sprinkle, and then I had to take him for a dental appointment.  His teeth are looking SO good.  I can't believe the difference.  He still has quite a way to go though, as his back teeth don't meet up properly (they never did), so he doesn't chew well.  His teeth should all be done by the end of July, so it's not long now.  Carmie had her behaviour specialist come over this morning (Carmie loves her, you should hear their quirky conversations), and then she had a D&D session this afternoon.  She came back all smiles, so happy.  So, no big dramas this week, which is really nice.  We've been spending more time with the kids.  Carmie and I baked a cake together, and Arley likes to lie in bed with me and read.  I hope this continues!

Family game time

Carmie’s Battenberg cake :)

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