Friday, April 26, 2024

668 + 564 Weeks

It has been a good week.  One of our behaviour specialists came over last week and helped me set up a morning routine where I wake up early, get the kids' schedules organised for the day, and give them a list of everything that needs to be done by 9am.  Then I get to exercise and go on my morning walk while they complete their lists.  We took two days prepping them for it and helping them with their lists, then on  Monday they were on their own...and it's working!  Mornings have gone from an extremely stressful and frustrating time, to smooth and uncomplicated.  The kids are doing so well, and I am a lot less stressed each day.  Win win!

On Friday last week we had our first scheduled family time, which we are doing every Friday morning now.  We took the kids to Amaze World, which is an outdoor place with different mazes and puzzles to solve, as well as a mini golf course.  The morning was fun, with no drama!  Jeff and I couldn't believe it.  We let Arley have the downtime he needed with my phone while we played mini golf (I won).  We solved the mazes and failed some puzzles, and it was a complete success.

This week Arley had his worst Taekwon Do session ever.  It was just awful.  He hadn't slept great for two nights, and he was very belligerent, to both me and Mr Kelly.  There was lots of shouting, refusal, finger-pointing from Arley, and tears (from me!).  We eventually managed to get him to participate, but it wasn't easy.  Afterwards I took the kids to the movies because Lolo and Dida were busy, and we couldn't go home because we have just employed a cleaner (yay!!) who was doing a big clean on our house.  Before the movies I bought the kids ice cream.  They both got those rainbow sour strap candies on top, but sadly we forgot to check if they were gluten free.  We found out later that night (4am, actually), when Carmie was vomiting in her room and I had a mess to clean up!  The poor thing, she was really sick.  So we cancelled Clint the next day so Carmie could rest.  Arley still went down to Caloundra for his session with Sprinkle, which he enjoyed.

Thursday was ANZAC day here so all sessions were cancelled, except that Carmie went to a river cruise and a lunch with the team from her social groups.  Sadly it didn't go well either.  She was very uncomfortable and was on the verge of meltdown the whole time, so I had to go pick her up early.  I felt really bad for her, as she was very upset and disappointed with herself. Poor thing.  We are getting her help, but it is just not happening fast enough I think.

So, we've had a good week on the whole, with a few bad times and sicknesses mixed in.  I'll take it, because now I have my mornings back!

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